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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra met a lot of people that day, but after they'd introduced themselves again she was told she was being discharged. Her parents said they were going to take her to their house, to see if that would help with any memories, but then she'd go home with Johnny. Sierra was okay with that.

It turned out, that Sierra was right about the boy with the blonde buzzcut. He was Eli. The other boys were Miguel, Robby, and Demetri. The two girls were Devon and Moon. Apparently, Sierra did karate with Devon and Moon had been friends with Sierra since freshman year of high school. They'd told her a lot. The opening of Cobra Kai, to the most recent All Valley.

"Your room's pretty empty since you were staying with Johnny," Daniel confessed, pulling into the driveway.

"That's okay, I just want to remember whatever I can." Daniel nodded slowly. He hated admitting it, but he saw this as the perfect opportunity to start over with her. He didn't want her to remember anything he'd said, although the doctor had said she'd eventually remember everything over time.

They all walked into the house, and Sierra thought the house was huge. Her eyes frantically ran over everything in the room. Amanda led her down the hall, slowly, so she could see the pictures in frames. It didn't help, Sierra couldn't remember anything. She felt so bad, she wanted to remember. All these people had so many good memories with her, but she didn't have any to return.

Sierra walked into the room her Mom said was her's, and Daniel was right. It was pretty much just a bed and a closet. She didn't remember it, but it looked so gloomy. Something about it reminded her of sadness and loathing. It was deeply unpleasant.

"So, do you remember anything?" Daniel asked, looking around Sierra's room.

"No." Sierra sighed, walking out. It was so frustrating, she wanted to remember, even if it wasn't a joyful memory.

"That's alright." Daniel put his hand on Sierra's shoulder, but something was bugging Sierra. Was what Johnny had said, true? Did he favor Sam?

"Johnny said something earlier," Sierra muttered, her eyes stuck on the closet.

"What did he say?"

"He said I used to think that you favored Sam." Sierra looked up at Daniel, who looked at Amanda.

"Well, I...I wasn't the greatest Dad to you, but I treated Sam better than I did you so that's what you assumed." Sierra felt her heart sink, so it was true? Daniel did favor Sam, but he was trying to make excuses for it.

"I wanna leave." Sierra hugged her arms to her chest, pushing past her Mom and Daniel.

"Did you remember anything?" Johnny asked as Sierra walked through the hallway, her eyes glued to the floor. She shook her head, Daniel and Amanda following her into the living room.

"Sierra, I'm sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear but I was just being honest," Daniel said in a pleading tone, how had his chance of making things right gone so wrong so quickly?

"You made up an excuse, you didn't even really answer me." Sierra felt her eyes start to well up with tears, but she didn't know why. Something about this seemed familiar and she hated it. She hated this more than she hated not being able to remember.

"What're you talking about, Sierra?" Johnny asked, putting his arm on her shoulder.

"Do you favor her or not, just answer the question!" Sierra shouted, motioning towards Sam, who looked just as confused as Johnny.

"I did! I did favor Sam because you were Cobra Kai and you were practically a copy of Johnny Lawrence and I hated it!" Sierra nodded, trying to gulp down the knot that had formed in her throat.

"Okay." Daniel watched as Sierra walked outside, his hand on his forehead.

"Seriously, Dad?" Anthony mumbled before he ran off to his room. Soon after Johnny left with Sierra, neither of them saying a word to Daniel.
A/n: sorry for such a short chapter, I hope you still enjoyed it!
Word Count:698

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now