𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 10 , 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑀𝑦 𝐵𝑖𝑔 𝐷𝑎𝑦

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It was a day before my quinceanera and me and maddy are having a late rehearsal for our sister dance and then we gonna go to this spa type place for a sleepover

"Maddy left not right left!" I yell because maddy missed a step "Ohhh ok ok sorry" she says starting the music over "ok 5 6 7 8" I say and we dance and finally we did the whole thing right "Yess ok now three more times so we can remember it right" I say and that's what we do we continue doing the dance 3 more times til we get tired and sit down "I swear to god this better be the best quinceanera every" Maddy says drinking her water "I swear bro" I say nodding in agreement "ok come on we gotta go to the sleepover now" she says "hell no let me shower first" I say picking my bag up "ugh fineeee" she says and we get in the car and drive home first and I run up the stairs , started the shower and grabbed my clothes and sat them in the bathroom .


I got out the shower , slipped on my clothes and I put on my slides "Maddy I'm ready" i say walking out the bathroom "Finally" she says "bitch I didn't take that long" I say pushing her and she laughs and we walk to the car and drive over to the place , "Hiii" I say hugging rue , Kat, Elliot, Jules, and 2 other friends I know from my grade (Zoe , Jason, Milan, Ethan) "Hii quinceanera Queen!!" Kat says and I jump up and down "I can't even believe this bro" I say grabbing her hand "Where is fez?" I ask cause he's in it to ! "He said he was on the way here just running late" she says and I nod and we walk over to our room "damnnn this is cuteee" Jules says "for real look better then my room" I say and she laughs and so do I "ok what would you girls like first" the worker says "uhh anything really i doesn't matter to me" I say sitting down and then I think damn this worker gonna have to stay here with us alll night she gone be tired asfc , "you want something to eat" I ask her opening the pizza box "uhm sure" she says and everyone sits down and I place 2 pizza slices on each plate "there is more stuff over there thanks to my mom!" I say running to get strawberries and I hear a knock on the door so I put my plate down and walk to it and so does everyone else  and I  see fez "HII FEZ" I say hugging him "wspp kiddd!!! Oh guess what" he says hugging me back then letting go "I'm not even high high right now" he says and I laugh and so does everyone else cause he definitely is high right now "yeaaa whatever fez" I say then I see Ash get out the car and my smile disappears "why is he here he wasn't invited" I say looking at Ash "damn rude ass and I didn't come by choice" Ash says rolling his eyes and I roll mine to "Well then stay in the car" I say "Fuck no you stay in the car" he says and I flip him off "bitch it's my fucking quinceanera" I say folding my arms "I Don't Care fez made me come and I'm not staying in no car so deal with it" he says pushing past me and I yank his shirt "fine bitch you can stay but don't say nothing at all or imma beat yo ass" I say and I push him forward and walk to back to the room "fez the food is over there we gonna start on our toes nails" I say grabbing the polish "I have to do that" the worker says "no it's fine you can paint your owns" I say smiling and she smiles and nods "Ok Tea time" Kat says and every sits down to tune in .


We have been talking about hella things and so has the worker I think she is having a good time lol "ok so Kris you never introduced your friends" Kat says and I realize I didn't they just been listening and talking not even knowing these people "Oh shit my bad ok this is Zoe Jason Milan I call her Mila and Ethan" I say pointing to them "Hii" Mila says and Zoe waves and so does Jason and Ethan "so how did you meet them cause I never knew you had friends your age" Maddy asks "welll long story short I dated Jason like idk how many weeks but it was like around the time we started practicing and Mila and Zoe we just clicked from a project now Ethan is just a whole story bro" i say and Ethan laughs remembering the story "Wait you dated him and I didn't know whattt" she says "it only lasted 2 weeks" I say "yea she got major boy crush's I wish I could say them all" Jason says and I push him a little "says the one that likes my friend" I say and he pushes me "do not say that" he says rolling his eyes "ok forget that tell us the Ethan story" Maddy says "ok so remember that party like 4 weeks ago at Kyles house basically I was getting bored and I walked out side to this garden and I seen Ethan making a tiktok so I was like what if I scare him and I climb on top of this tall bush and shake the bush and I realized it was a stupid plan right then and there when it starts tipping I yelled o shit ! And I fell on my ass bro and I couldn't do nothing but laugh at Ethan's face he was so shocked he was finna hit me" I say and they all laugh "bro you are so stupid" Rue says and everyone nods in agreement "mannn y'all is so mean" I say rolling my eyes and everyone starts talking about random things and I turn to Jason "ykw I think I'm gonna have a good ass quinceanera" I say smiling "hell yea and are we gonna do that dance Maddy instead" he asks "yess because she wants me to" I say flopping back and he flips beside me "wanna try it right now" he ask and I turn and nod and we stand up and I play the music "THIS IS MY MAIN QUINCEANERA DANCE" I yell and they turn to look including ash and we started dancing he dipped me a couple of times then spins me around and we continued dancing til the song stopped and we bowed while they clapped "choreographed by the Maddy" Maddy says and I laugh a little "Yes the Marvelous Maddy" I say sitting back down and we laugh and then Ash walks out but I don't even care I didn't want him there anyways "Kris" fez says signaling me to come talk to him "hm?" I ask walking over "can you go see what's up with him?" He asks putting his hands together making this sad face "omg fineee" I say and he smiles and I walk out the door to the hallway and I see ash on his phone sitting down "Ash" I say and he turns his head and I walk over "what's your problem?" I ask and he just looks at me confused "my problem?? What is your problem you don't want me here I'm not in your dance thing and your ex is here so the real question is what's your problem I tried to fix things and you blew me off and blocked me and when I did explain you said 'we aren't dating' like wtf bro even if we weren't it felt like it and I liked that" he says standing up and I'm shocked I didn't realize how I was acting "I'm sorry I was focused on my 15th and I must've gotten lost in loads of things and I apologize for being a bitch even if you won't say I am" I say sitting down and putting my face into my knees "don't even worry about it you have a birthday tomorrow and I don't wanna ruin your mood .." he says sitting beside me and I just feel so bad I've been a bitch to him for weeks over a misunderstanding what the fuck is my problem "no really I'm sorry that's not right of me" I say lifting my head up and turning to him and he just stares and so do I until he kisses me and I kiss back , I pulled away and smiled at him finally we are on good terms "I don't know if I can fit you in the dance because it's tomorrow but I do want you to be there" I say and he smiles "of course I will I wouldn't miss that for the world" he says and I hug him "I don't wanna go back in there tho I don't have time for Maddys questions" I say and he laughs a little "I think it's another room around here come on" I say standing up and looking for the second room and I find it and we sit down and just talk .

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