Chapter Thirty-Eight

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A.N - Sorry it has been so long since an update, but here we are finally! Also for the gif, it's Y/N and Nat for the sake of the story. Not Nat and Yelena. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy having an update at last :) 


There couldn't be much longer left, that's what Y/N told themselves as they laid ruined and broken on the floor of the cell. Either Antonia would finally kill them or their body would give up from the trauma constantly inflicted on it. Y/N had fought against it at first but now, now after the length of time that had passed they had so little left to give.

This was the price they were paying for switching their humanity back on, for allowing Natalia to break down the wall they had built around themselves. Perhaps it had been a mistake, to have tried to be one of the good ones, to think they could be anything but the cold and calculated killer they'd been trained from a child to be.

Y/N banished the doubts from their mind, they would do it all over again if it meant getting the small amount of time they'd had with Natalia. Y/N would do anything for her, to protect her, even if it meant dying here in this godforsaken cell. They let out a whimper of pain as they tried to sit up slightly, blood still leaked from their broken nose and Y/N's ribs gave a sickly crunching noise with every movement.

It had been Bucky's vibranium fist that had caused the damage to her body, he had been the one to dish out their latest beating. Y/N had taken it without letting a single sound of pain come out, they had kept their eyes fiercely locked on Bucky with each hit he landed on them. If there was ever a world in which they made it out of here, Y/N had sworn to make Bucky Barnes regret what he had done.

Y/N rested their hand on the floor, a flash of confusion crossing their face as they felt the rumbling vibrations. That was new, they hadn't ever noticed that before. It happened again and this time, Y/N made out the faint sound of something falling and colliding with something else. Straining to hear, Y/N cursed in Russian as the entire cell shook violently, the now familiar sound of an explosion rung out, causing them to lose their balance.

"What the hell is going on" Y/N muttered to themselves as they slowly tried to get to their feet again. 

Putting a handout, Y/N steadied themselves, using the wall for support as they took slow, pain filled steps toward the door of the cell. The sound of yelling, gunfire and more explosions came now. Y/N couldn't figure out if this was real, or had they finally lost their mind? Maybe Antonia was just playing with them again, giving them false hope that somebody had actually come to find them. 


Nat sprinted forward, leaping over some of the fallen rubble that was blocking the corridor, she aimed and fired her guns at two people dressed in Red Room uniforms who came charging at her with taser batons. 

Behind her the others were engaging in their own fights as they spilled into the facility through the makeshift entrance Tony had created with small missiles from his suit. Steve launched his shield, taking out several people that were trying to get to the Avengers. 

Wanda and Yelena were on either side of Nat, keeping up with her as they made sure anybody she missed was taken care of. The plan had been simple, as soon as they had managed to locate the facility, it was decided that an immediate surprise attack would mean they'd catch Antonia off guard, with the hope it eliminated the chances of her getting away. 

"FRIDAY has detected a single heat signature, up on the third floor, doesn't appear to be anyone other signals detected up there" Tony said over the comms network. 

"Think that could Y/N?" Yelena asked as she effortlessly dodged an attack before incapacitating the guy that had come at her. 

"Only one way to find out" Nat replied as she spotted a fire escape stairwell up ahead and motioned for Yelena and Wanda to follow her, whilst the others kept Antonia's henchmen busy. 

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