Chapter Twenty-Two

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It had been an hour since Steve and the others had turned up and finally there seemed to be an agreement on how to proceed with getting Nat back. The guy that had been brought in by Rhys, the one who had apparently taken a rather large bribe from Antonia in exchanged for him tipping her off about Nat had informed them that there was an abandoned factory that was being used as a base for Antonia's organisation and that it was likely where Nat had been taken. 

They hadn't been able to provide much more information, both Dimitri and Wanda had used their powers to check what had been said was true, they were in agreement that it was and that the guy didn't know anything more than what he had told them. The co-ordinates for the tracking Clint and Yelena also appeared to match with what they had been told. 

"Right, we get in and we get out with minimal conflict where possible. We need to consider that Antonia could be waiting for us and I doubt she's going to welcome us in for a civilised conversation" Steve said as he looked up from the screen that displayed a map of the area. 

"If the opportunity is there are we going to try and bring Antonia in?" Sam asked from where he sat at the bar. 

"Obviously if the chance does appear then we'll try and get Antonia, but for now I want us to just get Nat and we'll worry about dealing with Dreykov's daughter afterwards" Steve replied, "Sam and Bucky you'll take the north entrance, myself and Tony will cover the south and Yelena, you and Wanda will take the west." 

Dimitri stepped forward from where he had been leaning against the wall beside Rhys, the pair of them had remained fairly silent whilst the Avengers had been plotting their approach. Instead they had been having a conversation mentally, there were some things that they had agreed did not need to be shared with the Avengers. 

"Well it's been a true honour to have the Avengers in my club, however I must ask that you all make a swift exit now. I don't need it getting around that I've been providing shelter to the very people my particular patrons aren't supporters of" Dimitri said with a pleasant smile, "Wanda, once you are all done with this rescuing stuff feel free to let me know and I'll arrange for Rhys to meet you somewhere with Y/N's body." 

"Why would we want Y/N's body?" Bucky sneered as he looked at Dimitri. 

"Seriously?! The fact you need to ask that just proves how little you really know Natasha!" Yelena lost her temper as she pushed past Dimitri to square up to Bucky. 

Wanda moved quickly and slipped to stand between Bucky and Yelena, her hand reaching out to touch Yelena's face and get her to look at her instead of Bucky. 

"Ignore him Lena, it's not worth fighting with him" Wanda said before turning her attention to Bucky "If you can't say anything constructive then maybe it best you keep your mouth shut until this is over." 

Tony let out a low whistle and shook his head. 

"Good to see that even dead, Y/N is still able to cause us an endless headache" He said just loud enough for Steve to hear him. 

"Time is running out on this, we need to move now before Antonia becomes aware of the fact that we're all here. So set the differences aside and start focusing on your parts in this plan. If you can't do that then stay behind, I won't have anything risking this mission" Steve said firmly as he looked between Bucky and Yelena. 

Yelena let out a snarl of annoyance before stalking away from Bucky, muttering a string of curse words in Russian as she did. 


Nat heard the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door, this was it, this was going to be her chance to get out of this hell forsaken room. Moving she pressed herself flat against the wall, it would keep her hidden for the crucial moments she would need when the door was opened. 

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