Chapter Nine

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Nat watched as Yelena and Wanda got back into the SUV after having helped carry Y/N inside the safe house. She gave them a small wave as they left before turning around and heading back inside. The safehouse was located in a small town, on an unused farm, the kind of place that nobody would ever suspect a Shield agent or an Avenger to be hiding out in. At least that was how it looked from the outside, inside though it was fully kitted out with all the supplies someone would need for at least two weeks. 

Walking down the hallway, Nat carried the medical kit under her arm and walked into the room where they had put Y/N. Wanda and Yelena had insisted on putting wrist restraints on Y/N before they would agree to leave Nat here alone. Looking at Y/N, Nat took a deep breath and settled her nerves. Y/N was still unconscious, so Nat began cleaning and patching up the gunshot wound on Y/N's leg. It had been a clean through and through shot, so thankfully she didn't have to worry about pulling any bullet fragments out. 

Once the wound was wrapped up, Nat moved and sat down in the worn armchair that was in the corner of the room. She winced slightly as the stitches on her stomach tugged, Yelena had been adamant that she was sorting out the knife wound before leaving. Looking over at Y/N, Nat wondered how exactly she was going to be able to convince them that this vendetta against her was a massive misunderstanding. As the thoughts were going through her mind, Nat closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. 

The sound of someone yelling in pain and the rattle of metal, pulled Nat abruptly from her sleep and had her up on her feet and drawing a gun without hesitation. As she stood there, Nat realised that the sound wasn't coming from someone trying to get into the safehouse, it was Y/N. 

"No! Please stop... Please... I don't know anything" Y/N yelled as they thrashed against the restraints around their wrists, "I don't know where she is... No... Don't you dare hurt her... Hurt me instead..." 

Nat realised that Y/N was having a nightmare, quickly holstering her gun, Nat rushed over to the bed, taking hold of Y/N's face carefully. 

"Y/N! Wake up" Nat said firmly though her voice was filled with concern, "They can't get you here, you're okay, just wake up." 

A few seconds went by and then Y/N's eyes flew open, for a moment as they met Nat's eyes there was a flash of warmth but then it vanished and was replaced with the same anger and pain that had been in them when Y/N had seen Natasha at Stark Tower. 

"Get your hands off me!" Y/N snarled viciously as they struggled again against the wrist restraints. 

Nat flinched at the harshness but did as Y/N asked, moving her hands away and shuffling back slightly on the bed to put a small amount of distance between them. 

"What was the nightmare about?" Nat asked quietly, though she already had a pretty good idea about what could have been tormenting Y/N's mind like that, the Red Room. 

"None of your damned business Natalia" Y/N stopped struggling and looked at Nat, "This isn't the Raft, or your Superhero clubhouse. Where are we?" 

"Somewhere nobody will think to look" Nat answered simply, she didn't want to give Y/N any more information than that, not when it was still clear that Y/N was set on carrying out her mission. 

Getting up from the bed, Nat went back to the armchair and sat down. Two days, that was all the time that she had to try and figure out a way to diffuse this situation. After that she would have to hand Y/N over to Shield and then it was likely they would put Y/N on the Raft. Nat didn't want that to happen, that would mean having to accept that Y/N was beyond help. 

"You shot me" Y/N glared at Nat. 

"You stabbed me" Nat snapped back, "Guess we're even." 

Y/N let out a huff of irritation as they looked away from Nat and stared up at the ceiling. Tonight had not gone at all to plan and now they needed to figure out a way to get out of these damned wrist cuffs if they were going to be able to finish what they had started. It was all that damn witches fault, if the hadn't been there then everything would have been fine. Y/N made a mental note to pay Wanda Maximoff back for it. 

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