Chapter Thirty-Five

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The moment the realisation had happened, all of them from the club had immediately made their way to the location Natasha's phone had been tracked to. There was clear tension between the two groups as their vehicles came skidding to a stop outside the massive glass building and they all piled out. 

"What if they've taken Nat again?" Yelena spoke quietly, her question directed to Wanda who was striding toward the entrance of the building. 

"Then we will do anything we need to, to get her back" Wanda reassured Yelena, before turning her attention to the buildings entrance, it appeared that whoever had been there had long since left, it was like a ghost town as they all walked into the foyer. 

Dimitri and Rhys both did a sweep of the foyer, checking to make sure there were no traps set up, whilst Maze paced back and forth, rage building up inside of her that yet again the Avengers turning up in Budapest had led to another incident. 

"It looks as if the place has been abandoned in quite a hurry" Rhy finally said as he and Dimitri walked back over to join the group. 

"Alright, we stick together still and take it a floor at a time, I don't want any more surprises today" Wanda instructed, her magic was already sweeping through the building trying to find Natasha or Y/N. 


Agonising pain shot through Y/N's body as they were slammed down onto the hard metal floor in the back of the van. The moment they had stepped out of the elevator a group of ten masked men had been waiting, guns trained on them, they were ordered to kneel and place their hands behind them. 

Once they had, the cold bite of wrist restraints cut into their wrists and immediately, Y/N felt their powers diminish down to barely a flicker. Clearly Dreykov wasn't going to run any risk of Y/N having an advantage. 

"The bitch is secured, we're good to go" One of the men spoke into a radio before slamming the van doors shut. 

Y/N made a mental note to be sure to make that one pay in particular for this, he appeared to have taken extra joy in seeing them manhandled into the back of the van. Twisting, Y/N pushed themselves up, so they were sitting with their back pressed against the side of the van. Closing their eyes, they tried to summon flames, but instead found themselves hollow, as if their flames had been suffocated. 

"Well this is fucking great" Y/N muttered to themselves, whilst they could take out all of these men without the use of their powers, years worth of widow training made them deadly, they knew that to do anything right now meant putting Natalia's life at risk and that was the last thing they were willing to do. 

There was a thump on the side of the van and then the engine roared to life, clearly the signal had been received and Bucky had given the order for them to get out of there, no doubt wanting to be miles away before the Avengers or Y/N's friends realised what was happening here. 

Revenge had controlled a large part of Y/N's life, all those years spent hating Natalia and believing the poisoned lies of the Red Room and now just as they had been working on leaving that all behind, they found themselves falling back in. Only this time they would be seeking revenge against people who truly deserved it, who deserved to feel every moment of pain they had inflicted on them. 


"Next floor, they're someone up there" Wanda announced as her magic finally locked onto the signs of another person in the building. 

Yelena didn't hesitate and pushed past Dimitri and Rhy to sprint up the next flight of stairs. She was closely followed by Maze who had been silent the whole time, something that Wanda knew wasn't a good sign. 

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