Chapter One

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Mid-December 1606

Many changes had come to Scotland over the years. Mary had reigned in England since 1603, after the death of Elizabeth. Her eldest son, James, was with her as the heir to the English throne after he had signed away his rights to the Scottish throne at sixteen. At the same time, his younger brother, Malcolm, had signed away his own rights to the English throne. This was set up by Sybille, Duke, and Tess in order to keep the two Kingdoms separate.

James had married Anne of Denmark by proxy when she was fourteen, despite Sybille's and Tess's protests as James was twenty-three. Malcolm had married a Noble woman named Malise MacGonagall. The Prince and Princess may not have married for love, and married young, but they had developed deep affection for each other over the years.

Sybille, Tess, and Lisette were to play the cousins of Malise, and be members of the MacGonagall Clan. Syb was supposed to have married into the Mackenzie clan before her husband died, and had had Lisette. Tess was again to play her sister. They were too be second cousins of Malise, and prayed no one would ask about their connection or look too closely at it.

The ladies were currently aboard the ship Goliard headed for Leith Harbour in Edinburgh. Sybille and Lisette were each doubled over buckets barfing.

"Mama, please make it stop." Lisette begged.

"I will, My Love." Sybille heaved again and wiped her mouth before reaching for Tess. "The box." She pointed. "Get the seasickness potion."

Tess ran over at full speed, and pulled the box open, grabbing two of the many vials. She raced back to Lisette, and helped her take it before doing the same to Sybille. "How do you feel now?" She asked her niece.

"I feel much better, Aunt Tess." Lisette wiped the sweat from her brow.

Tess turned to her friend. "And you?"

"Give me a moment and I will feel fine." Sybille sighed as the nausea dissipated. "We should be good for a few days. At least until we make it to Leith Harbour."

Tess helped Lisette lie down, and pulled the covers over her. Sybille had hated travelling by sea ever since they had first went to Scotland for James the Fifth's funeral all those years ago. She had been sick then too, and only felt better thanks to the forethought of her Aunt Germaine.

Sybille sighed again. Sometimes she hated thinking back on the people she lost. It hurt, especially when she thought of Michel. It would be twenty-eight years at Christmas; a time she would never truly celebrate the same way ever again. But what hurt worse, due to the fact the loss was so fresh, was the thought of Duke. Tears began to flow silently as Sybille thought of him. His kiss, his touch, his eyes. All of it gone from her.

Tess noticed and knew right away what the problem was. "This pain will pass, Syb. It may take a long time, but it will pass."

She leaned on Tess's shoulder. "It does not feel like it."

Tess kissed her temple and helped her into bed. Lisette rolled over and cuddled close to her mother. "Mama?"

"Yes, Mon Chou?"

"I am afraid. I am afraid that someone will discover us and execute us." Lisette got out through shaky breaths.

Sybille kissed her daughter's forehead, and pulled her into her arms. "I promise I will never let anyone harm you. I would give my life to protect you."

Content in that promise, both Lisette and Sybille fell into a deep sleep.


The ship arrived at Leith Harbour a few days later. There was a welcoming committee waiting for them as they disembarked the ship.

The leader dismounted and bowed to the ladies. "My Ladies, I am Domhall, Laird of Clan Mackay. I was sent by Prince Malcolm himself to welcome you to Scotland."

Sybille stepped ahead of Lisette and Tess. "Thank you, Lord Mackay. It is an honour to once again be in the Queen's lands."

Domhall smiled at them. "We have horses prepared for you." He motioned to three empty horses behind him. "We should start our journey; we can reach Edinburgh Castle in a few hours' time."

"Very well." Sybille looked to her daughter and Tess. "Choose a horse."

After they were all mounted, Lord Mackay led them out of the harbour and to Edinburgh Castle.


The ladies were led through Edinburgh Castle to the throne room where they found Prince Malcolm and Princess Malise. Lord Mackay bowed to him as the ladies curtsied.

"Your Highness. I would like to introduce Greer Mackenzie, Caitrìona Mackenzie, and Síne MacGonagall." Lord Mackay introduced as he pointed, in order, to Sybille, Lisette, and Tess.

"Thank you, Lord Mackay. Please, leave us." With another bow, Lord Mackay led his men out of the throne room. Malcolm took his wife's hand, and they walked over to the ladies. The Prince and Princess bowed to Sybille before Malcolm kissed both her cheeks in the French greeting. "Dear Aunt, it is wonderful to meet you at last. Welcome back to Scotland."

"Thank you for the warm welcome, My Dear." Sybille said as Malcolm stepped back.

"May I introduce my bride, Princess Malise."

"An honour, Your Majesty." Malise curtsied to her.

"The honour is all mine."

Tess was in shock. "She knows?"

Malcolm nodded in affirmation. "I keep no secrets from my wife and the future Queen of Scotland."

"But is"

Malcolm and Malise chuckled before Malise answered. "I assure you, Your Grace, I have a long held belief in both Witchcraft and Vampirism. My family are direct descendants of a druid priest, and so I will keep your secret."

"Very well." Tess resigned. "But I do not trust you yet; it will take time."

"I understand."

"Now, I shall let you clean up from your travels." Malcolm crossed the room and banged on the door. In walked Lord MacKay. "MacKay, please lead the ladies to their rooms. The maids will already have them set up."

"Yes, Your Highness." Lord MacKay motioned for the ladies to follow him. He led them through the castle to the apartment they were to stay in. "Here we are. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a dining area. There is even a small library in the dining room, if you enjoy reading. Though they're all in Gaelic."

"I read Gaelic as well as speak it." Lisette told him.

"How rare to find someone outside of our country who speaks let alone reads it." Mackay smiled at her.

"I believe we are in need of our maids." Sybille said. "We would like to clean up and bathe."

"Of course, My Lady." He answered. "I will send for them at once."

Mackay turned on his heel, and left while Tess nudged Lisette. "I think he is taken with you."

She sighed. "It does not matter; I will never love another the way I loved Christian."

The Travellers Chronicles Book Four: To Chase Their FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now