Chapter 3: Isn't This Moving Too Fast!?

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The day had ended and Y/N was crouched out behind the school. Not to smoke though, his hypocrite of a mother put the kibosh on that one. No, he was still very pissed about what happened at lunch and was just looking for a reason to get into a fight. Besides, he had to pick up Yui and she was in her school's light music club.

"Fucking hell, why do none of the guys hang around after school?" Sure, he could pick a fight with a member of the gardening club, but they never snitched when he skipped class so they were good in his books. It had been around an hour of waiting at this point and his knees started to ache. "Tch, man I wish Hideki was here; He'd be down to brawl."

Y/N stood up from his crouch and reached into his jacket pocket to pull out his phone. Dialing his mom's number, he began to leave.


"Yo, ma. I'm heading home. Need me to grab anything on the way?"

"Lemme check." Y/N heard a few cupboards opening. "Yeah, could you grab ground beef? I'm making beef bowls."

"Got it. See ya soon ma."

"Love ya kid!"


Y/N tucked his phone into his pocket and stopped by his sister's middle school, leaning on the wall by the gate.


Turning his head he saw Saji leaning on the wall at the other end of the gate. "The fuck are you doing here?" Y/N rose an eyebrow. "Wait, you're not a creep are you?"

"Fuck no!" Saji replied in disgust.

"Well atleast he's not a pedophile."

"I'm here to pick up my little sister, Kaho. What about you, looking to beat up a 10 year old?"

"No, dropkicking a child isn't exactly what I planned on doing." Y/N's eye twitched. "I'm also picking up my sister."

"Oh yeah, forgot you had a sister for a second."

Y/N sighed. "Same here. You have a brother too right?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm suprised you remembered."

Y/N looked down. Saji was one of his closest friends growing up, so Y/N knew alot about him, including what happened with his parents.

"Look man..." Y/N scratched the back of his head. "My number hasn't changed. If you ever need a hand with anything, I'm almost always free."



Y/N looked over before getting a headbutt to the stomach. "HRK! H-heya brat."

"Cmon! Let's go grab sushi!" Yui impatiently dragged Y/N along.

"Not happening. Mom is making beef bowls."

"Oooh! Then lets hurry home!"

"Learn to slow down!"

Saji watched the two leave with a small smile on his face.

"Hey bro. How's devil business?"



Hibiki was internally fuming. While she appreciated having a friend, she did not appreciate being forced to hang out with her. The two were currently leaving a Karaoke place and were walking down the street.

"Just get rid of her. It would be so easy."

Another thing Hibiki did not appreciate was the homicidal voice that appeared in her head today.

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