There it is, I said it

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Do you know what's pathetic?

Its the fact that I always find myself crying whenever I think of not having someone (romantically) to spend with all my spare time. It's not that I dislike being single or is desperate to have a lover, I just wanna feel. Like, I wanna have the freedom to call, chat, spoil, be sweet, and so much more without either feeling guilty, overthinking if I'm even allowed to or if it gives mixed signals.

It feels like there is so much love and affection inside me that I don't know of whom to express it to.

You know what is even more pathetic?

It is the fact that I am very particular with the people I spend time with. So the chances of having someone to be with me is just as thin as the chances of me ever quiting writing.

Well then, as of now, let's just write all the romantic things I wanna experience and do.

Maybe, I might even make you as pathetic as me, just kidding... I guess?

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