Sunsets and Twilights (and Mr. Moon)

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Some might say, sunrise is the best thing to see. It is a sign of a new beginning. However, for me, I love sunsets.

You ask why?

So here's the answer... Sunsets gives me that kind of relief. Relief that I'm finally done with the day. That I survived again. It also makes me think what tomorrow might be. Also I just love when different hues of light mixes with the clouds.

It gives off that aesthetic, more like a magical kind of vibe. It always bring a smile on my face.

Of course after the sunset, comes the twilight. What is a twilight, you say? Twilight is the time where it's neither day or night. When the light from the sun is just barely seen and you get that aurora-like colors around the skies.

Mostly you'd see pink, orange or red on some days. It's beautiful you know. When you wait and watch at it.

When you see the light slowly fades, then the nature starts to produce an orchestra music with all the insects.

When the birds retreats to their homes and the bats start to fly around to find fruits to eat.

Finally, when the sunset and twilight comes to an end. The curtains fall, and comes the darkness of the night. Yet, it doesn't stop there because the moon would still say its good evening and showers you with the twinkling lights of its stars.

Then now I came to a conclusion too, of why the sun has to set to the west.

It is to give time for the moon to shine. To indicate that it isn't just day that's beautiful, and that the moon can make the night beatiful too.

Another is that, you shouldn't claim all to yourself, don't outshine others that they couldn't be seen. Instead, rest for a bit and give your light to them (just like what it is to the sun and moon). Let others have their turn and you'll have yours.

It's that simple.

Sunset is a sign of your victory.

Twilight is the balance.

Moon is the hope in the middle of darkness.

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