Just Facts About Me

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It makes me puke to drink milk on mornings but I really like to drink hot milk on evenings (╥╯﹏╰╥)ง

I puke when I eat ice cream while travelling (sometimes I can control myself not to, but I get really dizzy and sometimes have headaches)

Moving lights or bright lights makes me dizzy (sometimes in the extents that it makes me want to puke). This the reason why I hate it when it's Ber months, there too many lights everywhere, and I really don't like phone flashlights and camera flashes.

A lot of things makes me dizzy, like really! Even when I just do things repeatedly, it makes me dizzy, or when I just sit on a swing (JUST SIT, AND NOT EVEN SWINGING!), or when I lay down and my head's not higher that my body.

Another thing is, I don't use lotion, powder (poldo ba), perfume o cologne, or anything has a powerful scent because it makes my head ache. Far worse because my headache usually last for a day or two hays.
(it's torture to be in class sometimes, I mean, some (most) of the girls  are using colognes so I had to cover my nose most of the time, run away or just endure it)

I have a sweet tooth. This cost me to always have tonsillitis for 2-3 times a year followed by a flu. Thankfully I haven't had those since the quarantine because I can't really eat what I want to.

Sometimes, continuous noise makes me sleepy.

I know how to do many things but I'm not exactly good at any of it. Just always the average. Like I just know it but not how to do it properly.

I like fixing or making things. I made bow and arrow before and a wooden sword that I learned from Papa.

I have this weird trait that my voice changes depending of who I am talking too. I don't like it sometimes especially when my voices becomes high pitched, damn I hate that, it's too embarassing.

I really like watching movie, not just for entertainment but to learn. I don't know if most people do this too but when I watch a movie, I usually take a mental note of the facts or trivias that's in the movie. I can recall those when needed and I sometimes randomly share it to my friends and they'll say I know too much HAHAHA (It's not like that, I just knew it before you do and you might as well know more things than me, you just don't know)

I like learning but reading educational books bore me. Most of my knowledge actually came from watching movies or reading stories. I can only (truly) learn when I listen and read, when I read alone, I can't process things well and remember it.

This next thing is rather creepy sometimes. I can remeber small things that people do, or some things about them. Like how they react to a certain thing, how they would do this or that, their smell, their voice even if mixed with other people, I can register a certain change to a someone's mood when I see them face to face (even just the slightest change), sometimes I know what someone has to do or say before they do (this is hard for me because some people think I'm weird because I'll react before they even do a thing!) and there are more but I won't say anymore.

I'm an ambivert. Hald extrovert, half introvert. You see, I'm fine with social interactions too but it will sometimes take me a second or minute to finaly get into it. However, after a certain day(s) of social interactions, I will take a day or two off to be alone.

I have high empathy.

I like cooking. Mostly on slicing ingredients HAHAHA.

Dogs are my favorite animals.

I sleep half naked, almost like a guy HAHAHA and I can't sleep when there are still people awake inside the house I'm sleeping in (unless I'm too tired to notice that).

That's enough facts for now HAHAHA

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