Chapter 5 Is it so bad to be cautious?

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"Did you seriously join me in searching this frozen desert because you're supervising me?! I thought it was because of our elements!"

We're flying over some mountains and snowy places in search of any sort of green energy. With Zane here, all I have to do is make sure I don't fall off his dragon. We switch off when one of us gets tired for 'maximum search abilities' or whatever Zane said. I'm just glad they let me leave to search.

"Kai, be reasonable, of course I didn't." I look at Zane with a 'really' face.

"Cole assigned me to you." I rolled my eyes

"Not helping, frostbite." He looks back at me,

"That one's new."

"That's because it's supposed to be offensive."



"Sorry, later. Jay's calling."

"Then I'm driving, move."

We jump onto my dragon as Zane picks up Jay's call.

"Hello Jay.. Yes, I am with Kai.. Slow down, you're confusing me, start from the beginning.. Did you get what I asked for?.. Wait, what happened?... Ok.. Are you both safe?.."

"What? What happened to Jay and Nya?!"

"They're fine Kai. You can continue Jay.. You did? Hold up.." Zane moves his phone from his face and starts typing something before repositioning it.

"Resume what you were saying.. And Nya is okay with that?.. Alright, you pay attention to what is happening, I'll inform Kai and Cole and Pixal." Hanging up, he starts typing on his phone again.

"Turn around"

"What? What happened on that call?"

"I'll tell you with Cole and Pix, now turn around and head for Ninjago city, but don't go farther than Hiroshi's Labyrinth."

"Whatever." I turn around as Zane puts his phone to his ear again.

"Cole, listen carefully. Jay found Lloyd-"

"What?!" I whip my head around and my dragon flickers through existence for a few moments.

"Keep flying, I'm explaining. Anyway, Jay and Nya were buying things for me when Jay found Lloyd talking to Harumi, yes Harumi, don't talk until I finish explaining, oh and fly to Hiroshi's to meet up. So Jay is saying that Lloyd was acting weird and that he seemed to not know who he and Nya were. They asked and Harumi and Lloyd said she didn't do anything but Nya doesn't believe it and I am tracking them now and we will come find them when we are all together alight?.. Right, meet us there."

"My little brother, sister and her fiance better not be hurt." I say, flying at full speed.

Cole POV

Pixal and I meet Kai and Zane at the edge of Hiroshi's Labyrinth, Kai and Zane had landed probably a while ago. Kai looks close to burning the labyrinth down, and honestly I'm surprised he hasn't yet.

"Hey, we're here." I say, even though they saw the dragon flying by a while ago.

"Good, let's go."

"Kai, please. All we have been informed of is Harumi is there, and knowing her, she is probably planning for us to all jump in there without a plan, which is exactly why we won't Kai."

"I'm surprised he's still listening to you." Zane smiles.

"I threatened to not come with him."

"And?" He shrugs.

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