Chapter 1 Who are you?

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Lloyd POV

White, that's all I see. Then black, I open my eyes to see two people in front of me, No... holding me. 

A man and woman, the woman had bright green eyes and light brown hair, placed in a loose braid behind her.  The man had purple swirled with red eyes and short dark brown hair.

"Hello Lloyd, my son" the woman said, 'i'm Guessing my mom?'

"Hello my baby boy" the man said, 'Dad?'

They fade away. Then more white. Now it's black again. 

I open my eyes, this time to see someplace that looks like a very poorly taken care of... monastery?

 'Why am I at a monastery, and where are the monks then?'  I think. 

Now fully taking in my surroundings, I see seven people. One girl, four boys, an old man, and a fully black person. His skin is pure black like his hair, and seems to be wearing full black with a small amount of purple.

'Why the heck is he completely black?! Skin too?!' 

Ok, putting him aside for now. The girl is wearing a grey/silver, gi? No, Ninja gi from how it's designed, and black hair in a high ponytail. The boys are in red, blue, white, and black gi's. Their hood are covering their faces, but even then, the blue one is smaller, the black one is more built, and the white one looks to be the tallest. The old man is in a sensei robe, cream white. He has a long white beard, rice hat, and I believe he uses the bamboo staff that's lying not that far away from him. 

The completely black one starts to wake up. 

'Crap! I still don't know any of them!!'

Garmadon's POV 

Waking up, I don't know if I hate that I helped them make that tornado or i'm grateful I did. Now looking around I see the others aren't awake yet. 

'Good now I can leave without them seeing me.' 

Getting up I see, 'Since when was Lloyd awake? Wait, is he... scared?'

 "Lloyd?" He tenses up with the mention of his name. 

"H-how do y-you know m-me" he stutters out, scooting away.

'Lloyd doesn't stutter unless he's really scared.' 

"Lloyd, why are you scared, I won't hurt you. I could never." 

He stops moving back and looks at me confused, then asks the one question I would never expect.

"Who are you?" 


"Who are you?"

'How does he not remember? He didn't hit his head that hard did h- wait didn't that leader hit Lloyd with a blast before I passed out? What did that blast do?'

"Lloyd, i'm your father."

"B-but my d-dad doesn't look like you. U-Um, no offense" 

"I got cursed to look like this Lloyd, I am your father." 

"U-um ok, I guess t-that part makes sense... s-sort of" he mumbles barely audible. 

He looks really confused now, I believe this is what others describe as he looks adorable. 

"C-can we g-go somewhere else? I-I don't wa-want to be here when they w-wake up, not-not really." 

'Right, we're still at the monastery' 

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