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3rd POV

One of the monks rang a bell, signaling that the darkness was coming. Now rushing, the Ninja quickly started bringing all the civilians inside. 

The oni leader looked up seeing the Ninja getting ready to fight. "So begins the end." The leader says.

"Lloyd!" Misako yells

"Mother. You should be inside." Lloyd tells her

"I'm not leaving you." Misako argues

"No matter what happens those inside need your protection. Will you do that for me?" Lloyd asks

Misako finally agrees, "I love you. Be careful"

As Lloyd and the other Ninja watch Misako go inside safely, they see Faith walking out. 

"Aah! Faith!" Jay exclaimed 

"You should be resting, Faith. You're not fully healed yet." Kai says

"If the end is coming I will face it on my feet." Faith Response 

"As will I." Wu states

"Hmm. I did not expect to fight alongside you again." Garmadon states to Wu

"Nor I you. It seems late has a few surprises left for both of us." Wu responds

They all look down to see the Oni closing in.

"Close the doors! Quickly!" Wu yells to the monks 

As all the Oni start to come closer, the Ninja prepare themselves for the battle. The Oni are now only a few yards away from the monastery. 

"The time of endings has come." The leader says 

The Ninja all get in fighting stances as Oni start scaling the side of the mountain.

"This is it guys. Pick your targets." Lloyd tells his friends 

"I'll take the big one." Garmadon states 

"He's all yours." Jay says 

The Oni leader growls and the Oni behind him start to attack. Garmadon then jumps off the ledge the Ninja were on and sends a blast of power around him sending some Oni flying. Jay front flips and hits an Oni away and proceeds to point his nunchucks at the Oni while they cower back from the energy it possesses. Kai runs over and blocks one oni's staff knocking him back, then points his sword toward some Oni around him with them cowering back like with Jay's nunchucks. Faith kicks an Oni back and body slams into another causing it to tumble into two more and fall off the mountain. An Oni tries to attack Zane while he's on the ledge, instead Zane freezes it and sends it sliding into another Oni, both going off the side. 

Garmadon starts attacking the Oni leader with a destruction blast. The leader catches it, while Garmadon Picks him up and tosses him behind him hitting more Oni. 

"Nya! look out!" Kai yells 

Nya looks behind her right in time to block the attack. It growls at her while hitting her with it's other arm and pressing harder down. Lloyd right then intervenes with Spinjitzu sending it back, then spin kicks another one. 

"Use the scythe!" Lloyd yells at her

"I'm trying, but I'm not the master of Earth! It's not responding!" Nya yells while she blocks another attack and Lloyd redirects, an Oni that tried to body slam him from above, to behind him.

The Oni successfully throws back Nya into Lloyd. Getting up they go back and back and Lloyd punches one across the face. 

"There are too many!" Lloyd yells charging up his powers. 

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