Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV

"Alright, what's the plan?" Clockwork asked, looking up at me with those emerald green eyes that I love so dearly. "Alright, it's going to sound crazy, and it is going to hurt, but with me being a proxy I promise you this is the only way." Of course with Clockwork being Clockwork, she couldn't care less about the hurting or craziness part. "I want whatever it takes, Y/n, I just want out of here."

"Alright then, when do you want to do this?" "Tonight, so we don't have time to get nervous and back out." So she has thought about this while I was gone. "Okay... so tonight, after everyone is asleep, we sneak into Boss's office. Every night at 1:00 am, he takes walks around the forest, sometimes around town even, to find kids to... well... eat. We sneak into his office, grab both of our files, and put them in a bag that we never use. Then, we get one of your knives to cut off the part of our flesh that has Boss's symbol on it and put it in the bag with the file. Just know these are in individual bags so our flesh won't touch because that is just weird. Then we walk out of the mansion and when we are about to leave the forest, we dig a 4-inch hole, put the bags in there, and burn it. Then we leave and never go back."

Clockwork thought about everything I just said, processing each step before she spoke. "And are you sure this is going to work?" "Honey, I've been a proxy for this guy long enough to know that he wears the same suit every day and never washes it."

Finally, a smile appeared on Clockwork's face, same with a small chuckle. Which made me smile and chuckle with her. "Alright, we should get ready, then. How are you sure it's going to be that easy to get into Boss's office? How are you so sure he doesn't have any cameras or bodyguards while he's gone?"

I chuckled, "Well... I gave Ben a secret cheat code for his favorite game that he had been looking for for 6 months in return for him to take a peek in Boss's office. He was on Boss's computer and had a good look, there were no cameras or protective software. He thinks we are too scared of him to snoop!"

"When did you do that?" "Way before we got together, I thought I'd need it someday. Well, I did!" Clockwork wiped away her very last tear and sighed in relief. "I can't believe we are going to do this. We are going to be free!"

"Are you sure you want to do this, though? You know after we leave, there is no coming back. When he finds out we left, he will be looking for us for the rest of our lives." "What if he finds us?" "He won't, the sad truth is he only hunts in the state. We are gonna try to go out of state."

That's when Clockwork went from relieved and excited to scared again. "How are we going to get the money to go out of state?" "I am gonna try to get both of us a GED, and we are going to go to work. Then, after a few months, we will have enough money to take a bus or something."

Clockwork scoffed, "What do you mean a few months? We need to leave out of state now! Boss isn't just going to give up after 2 weeks and accept we're gone for good!" "Well, it's not like I can get the money with a snap of my fingers, babe! This is the real world, nothing is going to be supplied to us for free now!"

"Can't we just rob a gas station or a house or something?" "We barely made it to not being caught with murder, if we want to finally live the normal lives that we deserve we don't want to do any other crime that can risk us getting caught and being sent to prison."

I started having a feeling that Clockwork started changing her mind because then she stopped trying to argue. All she did was look away from me and stare at her feet, all I could do was sigh at that. "Don't tell me you're changing your mind now." "What else are we supposed to do? We don't have the money, if we stay in this state for more than 3 days Boss is going to find us and do God knows what!"

The Passion Rose (Clockwork x Fem reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon