Chapter 13

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Toby's POV

"So, what have you been up to lately?" I asked, walking next to Clockwork with both hands in my pockets. I still can't believe my plan worked and how easy I was to earn her forgiveness. It's kind of pathetic honestly, but that's a rude thing to say about a girl I still love dearly.

"Oh, well, nothing really. Other than hanging out with Y/n and that's really it. I don't mind though cause hanging out with her is nice," I rolled my eyes, of course she is gonna fucking compliment her in front of me.

"So the only person you ever hang out with is Y/n? What about Nina? I thought you were good friends with her," I asked, side eyeing her. I just cannot believe how it could possibly be easier than I imagined to break them up. Poor little gullible Clockwork will soon be mine once again, I'm sure of it.

"Ugh, oh hell no, when me and you first started dating Nina called me a slut because I guess either she wanted you, I mean she wants every guy so it doesn't break best friend code, or she was jealous that I found someone and she was freshly broken up with by Jeff. Probably both to be honest!"

I'm surprised, Clockwork brought up me and her dating in the past with such confidence. This is working a little too good, "Jeff and Nina's break up was so rough, I felt really bad for Jeff,"

"Oh my god, same! It was funny, though, when she tried to fight Jane because she tried to "take her man" when they literally broke up weeks ago and Jane is a lesbian! Obviously Jeff never talked to Nina about his and Jane's past, too."


Clockwork and I both jolted our heads to see an angry Y/n beat up and bleeding. She was holding onto her right arm in a tight hold but that didn't stop the blood dripping down her arm. She was losing a lot of blood quickly from her arm and head, it looked like she picked up a fight with an angry bear.

"What the fuck, Clockwork? I thought you said you wouldn't talk to him!" Despite Y/n bleeding fairly quickly, it seemed her priorities weren't straight cause she was more worried about Clockwork hanging out with me instead of getting any medical care.

"Look, im sorry i was planning on talking to you about it when you came back. Are you okay?" Clockwork looked Y/n up and down scanning all of her injuries with a look of worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was on my way to getting help anyway," then Y/n turned to me, she was so angry you could see it in her eyes, "And you, I don't know what you want with my girl but just know she's mine and I still have half the mind to shoot your ass, even if you can't feel it it would still feel good imagining you suffer."

And she stormed off on the way to the mansion, she was so angry I'm surprised steam wasn't coming out of her head. I looked back at Clockwork and she had her head down in shame, I'm guessing she felt bad for making Y/n this upset. Which I won't let happen.

I got closer to Clockwork and put a hand on her shoulder, maybe after I say this I can slip in a hug. Hopefully Y/n would see it and go batshit crazy.

"Hey, hey, hey don't feel ashamed for hanging out with me. That's Y/n's problem since she obviously doesn't have enough faith in you to know that you know what you're doing. That's controlling and I'm starting to think this relationship isn't healthy for neither of you,"

Clockwork looked up at me, she seemed annoyed, "Toby, I know you've been a good friend to me so far but don't you dare tell me what relationship I'm in is healthy or not, no offense. I disrespected a boundary, and obviously you don't know how serious those are cause you never respected mine!" And she swatted my hand away and stormed off on her way to the mansion.

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