Chapter 3 - mad kitty

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Angel Dust POV

I walked up the stairs tired, feeling a pair of eyes on me. But I didn't care, I'm used to people staring at me.
I felt as if I was about to fall down, pass out and tumble down the stairs for a second time. And honestly:
I wanted to. I wanted to pass out
and I didn't even know why. I continued to make my way up the huge staircase which I had fallen down from earlier this
morning. That's when I heard a deep voice speak to me. 'Angel Dust?' I quickly turned
around. It was Husker.. 'yeah Husk?' I had answered, my voice breaking. 'You alright? You don't really look..' I kept looking at Husk, who was searching for the correct words. 'Okay..?' Husk said to finish his sentence. 'Ya I'm fine.' I just answered.
I wanted to turn around again and just walk to my room, but that would make Husk even more suspicious of me.


I sighed. I didn't really like seeing Angel this way and I didn't even understand why.
It's not like I really cared about the spider anyway. He was hard to understand.
Not that I had ever understood any pornstars, especially not this one. Why would you want to
sell your body for money? Even worse, why would you allow so many dick inside of you? I shuddered at just the thought.
But then I heard a soft, sad sound come out of the mouth of the pornstar infront of me which made me remember
in what state Angel Dust was. He looked
like a mess!
Honestly I felt kind of bad. But I could not show.

'Ya, I'm fine, Husker. Don't worry about me. Why don't ya just go back to drinkin' ya nice beer, hm?' The spider said with his New York accent.

'Whatever, just go fuck some more dick.
The only reason that they go
to bed with you is because you have a "nice" body. You are just a slut!' I didn't know why I just went off at him this way.
I saw a hurt expression on his face, almost like he had feelings, which he didn't.
Pornstars didn't have feelings, right?

Angel Dust POV

'Whatever, just go fuck some more dick.
The only reason that they go
to bed with you is because you have a "nice" body. You are just a slut!' Husker
would have yelled at me.

I felt my heart sank as he said this. and
I didn't even understand why. I had people say worse to me. I guess that the thing that hurt me so much about this was the fact that Husker said it.
I honestly really thought that the cat demon might have slightly cared about my feelings, but I was terribly wrong. In fact, he yelled at me!

An aching feeling had entered my body, slowly making its way over to my heart. It spread out, wrapping around my lungs, making it hard and painful to breath.
I felt tears appearing. My eyes burned, as if the tears banged against them begging to roam over my face.
But I didn't let them. I held them in as I did not want to embarrass myself more infront of this cat demon.

'Husker!' Charlie had said. 'Have some respect..'
I could tell Husk didn't like it when Charlie corrected his behaviour.
'Sorry, Charlie.' The demon apologised, tone soft. Charlie just gave
a quick nod as an "It's okay" sign.

I felt another pair of eyes on me. They were not looking at my face, though. They
were actually looking at my back.
I was already in a terrible state, at least
look at my good looking parts!
I turned around to see that it was Alastor who was looking at me, and sure. The Radio Demon was a nice guy and all . But I didn't like him staring at me!

I just brushed it off and stood there for a while. Charlie put her hand on my shoulder, and I knew she meant it in a nice, comforting way. But I couldn't help but think about Valentino. I flinched and shot backwards. 'Angel Dust...' Charlie said soft, worry and concern in her voice. I shook my head and quickly left. Damn, mad kitty. I let my legs lead me the way up the stairs, through the halls where my room was.

As I entered my room I smiled at the sight of Fat Nuggets, who greeted me with a oink. I slowly closed the door and fell on my bed. My smile faded away and the tears came back, again banging against my eyes. But this time I let them. I let the tears roam over my face as I curled up in a ball. More tears escaped my eyes as I forced myself to keep silent, I wanted to let the hotel think that I was okay. Which I was quite obviously not. 

When I finally stopped crying I stood up. I walked to my closet, my legs feeling as heavy as rocks. I opened the doors and took a light pink sweater and some nice shorts. I looked in the mirror and smiled. 'At least I still look amazing.' I smirked at my reflection. I feel way better now that I finally cried. I realised. That's when I got the best idea ever. A tiny bit of drugs won't hurt anyone would it? I thought. I slowly walked over to a desk and kneeled down. With my top right arm I opened the door of a drawer, which revealed a bag with white powder. 

I took the bag and a straw. I looked around to make sure that no other demon was watching me and sighed. I put a line of the powder on my table and put the straw at the start of it 
    As I took in the drugs it hit me pretty fast. I felt light headed and I stumbled around my room before I passed out on my bed.

(I'm not sure how drugs works, but I really wanted to write this!)

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