chapter 7 - caught in a trance

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TW: dad jokes😨
This was supposed to be Christmas related, but due to author block it came really late so no Christmas special. HAPPY NEW YEAR THO

No one's POV:)

'It will be okay Angel, everything will be okay, you will be okay ...' spoke Husker softly. And again, Angel broke down in horrible sobs. Husker pulled the spider closer as he rubbed his thumb over Angels back in circular motions. "Yknow, Husk ..." Angel said, his voice muffled since his face was buried in the cats fur. "Hm?" Husk hummed. Angel looked up, locking eyes with Husker. "Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought you were ..." Husker chuckled, Angel thought he was bad? This was everything but what he expected. "Whats wrong?" Angels voice was soft, he probably thought he had said something wrong due to Husks random chuckle. "Nothing, really. Just didn't expect you to think I was bad."

For a while both demons stayed quiet, just holding each other in their arms. Not letting go, not moving, not talking. They were just enjoying the peacefulness of each other's touch. This peacefulness had caused Angel to grow tired. It didn't take long for the spider to drift off to a nice sleep.

Angel Dust slowly opened his eyes, blinking to adjust to the light. When he looked around Angel noticed that Husker was gone. Angel wasn't really sure how or when he had fallen asleep. Nor could he remember when Husker left. Angel shrugged, he couldn't be bothered to think too long about this.

Angel got dressed and all ready for the day. Happily he made his way down the stairs. Just full on ignoring the pairs of eyes on him, the spider took a seat on the stool which was placed right in front of the bartender. "Morning Husk!" He happily spoke. Husker cooked a brow at Angel. This confused the spider. Whyd he act so confused?."Husky?" The moment this nickname was said Husker slammed his booze down on the desk. If Angel had to be honest: this did scare him. It had reminded him of the disgusting demon whos name was Valentino. Yet Angel could not show: after last night he was sure Husk didn't mean to scare him. "Don't Husky me! Look Angel I don't know what the fuck you want but if its not important just LEAVE." For a moment Angel Dust didnt know what to do. He didn't expect such a reaction after their conversation from the other night. But yet again: he could not show that side, so he decided to play it off with his usual behavior. "Oh cmon Husky.. just accept the feeling, nobody is able to resist Angel Dust!" And with this Angel left. He didn't really understand huskers way of acting at the moment. Yesterday they were good together and now Husker is acting like that never happened. If Angel had to be honest: this had genuinely upset him. With a huff Angel let himself fall on his bed. "Why doesn't he remember?" Angel groaned dramatically. For a moment he laid there staring at the ceiling, when suddenly he jumped up. "Maybe he does remember but is just too shy to admit it!" Angel smirked at this. "Shy kitty! He's just a scaredy ca-" suddenly the spider got interrupted by someone. "Angel! Could you please come to the lobby? We have to talk ..." it was Charlie. She was speaking with a very overdramatic tone. This made it very obvious to Angel Dust that she did not want to talk, but just wanted Angel to go to the lobby. Of course, Angel played along. "Coming, princess

Angel Dust POV

"So, i didn't actually need to talk to you guys ..." Charlie admitted once we all reached the lobby. I looked around the room, and seeming like it everyone already knew Charlie didn't want to talk with us. A grin was placed on my face realizing this. The blonde had actually thought she was good in fooling us. Of course, I wasn't going to ruin her fun by saying this out loud. And looking at the faces of the other demons, everyone agreed with this. "What are you grinning so brightly for, Angel dear?" A cheery radio voice spoke. "Oh nothing, Smiles. Just glad that there's nothing wrong," there was an awkward silence, which soon got broken by Charlie's happy voice. "Anyways, Alastor wanted to tell you guys some jokes!"

Oh my God. I thought. Alastor? Telling jokes? That sure was not what I expected. "We had actually gotten special places for everybody here! Vaggie and I sit in the 2 chairs in the front. Niffty is next to me. Then Husker and Angel sit next to each other in the back!" I glanced over at Husker. And if eyes could kill, everyone in the lobby would have been sent to double Hell.

Husk POV

"I used to be addicted to hokey pokey..." Alastor began. Everyone looked at him in full expectation. Especially Angel Dust. He seemed to be wanting to know what Alastor was going to say next more than anyone else "But I turned myself around...."

Shut up Alastor.

Nobody laughed. Literally nobody. Except for this one person. Angel Dust was cracking up. The guy was laughing so much that it became inaudible. Everyone stared at the spider, confusion on their faces. Angel wrapped his bottom set of arms around his stomach, tears rolling down his cheek. "It hurts!" Angel yelled snorting. I glanced over at Alastor, who was standing there with his stupid grin; obviously proud to make Angel laugh so much. I then felt something warm rest on my shoulder. And as I turned to look I saw angels head on my shoulder. I jerked my shoulder up, causing Angels head to finally get off me. "But I turned myself around!" Angel repeated, still laughing his slutty ass off. He threw his head back, making eye contact with me. This eye contact made me notice things that I had never noticed before. Such as how pretty his eyes actually are, and how his golden tooth shone in the light. One thing that I also noticed was that the tears in Angels eyes really made the pink stand out more, and I just noticed the three pink dots under each eyes.
"Husk? You okay? You look like you're caught in a trance-"

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