Chapter 5 - Kitty Cat In A Pornstars Bed

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AN: 600 READS OMG😍‼️ i am so terribly sorry for not updating. I have been very very busy lately



"Oh Husker!" I heard someone moan from a few rooms next to me.
At first I didnt care. But thats when my eyes widened. The voice..
I knew exactly who this would have been. I felt my face burning and as I looked in my mirror,
I noticed I was blushing. Yet I had no desire to pay attention to this.
But no matter how hard I tried to ignore what happened,
I couldn't help but shiver at the thoughts that the spider was doing.. things.. while
moaning my name.

No ones POV

The cat demon tilted his head and looked at the clock.
6 AM. Thought Husker. A sigh escaped his lips as he slowly stood up, still thinking about
what was happening in Angels room.

After getting ready Husker had decided to go downstairs.
Of course he had tried to go back to sleep, yet he had been thinking about Angel Dusts actions so much that he couldn't seem to just sleep.
The cat softly groaned at this. His eyes were so heavy and he just wanted to rest. With a dramatic
huff Husker stood up, slowly making his way to the elevator as he pressed on the button with his claw.
Husk never understood why Angel had beef with elevators.
Maybe im just lazy. Thought the bartender as he patiently waited for the elevator to reach his level.
Husker then realized he was comparing himself with the one person he hated the most. Angel Dust.
A loud and dramatic groan was heard from the cat demon as he rapidly clicked the button on the elevator.
Why can't that fucking spider just leave me alone. Thats when a sound was heard behind him,
the sound of a door handle. Despite the fact that Husker wanted to get downstairs as quickly as possible, his curiousity knowing who had left their room still won.
With a careful movement the bartender looked behind him.
Speak of the devil ... thought Husk as he saw the oh so familiar face of Angel leaving the room.
Without any hesitation the cat immediately turned around, pressing even harder on the button, in the hope
for the elevator to arrive early
so that he could get away from Angel faster.
As he heard the clacking of boots slowly reaching him he felt himself growing annoyed. A conversation with Angel was everything but what he needed right now. But to his surprise the spider just walked past him, not bothering to say a word. No nicknames, no cat calling, nothing! The lord heard my prayers. Thought Husker happily as the elevator finally arrived. Husk felt a wave of relieve hitting him when he realised that the spider used the stairs. I think this is my lucky day. As these thoughts came to mind soft purring could be heard from the grumpy demon. As the doors of the elevator opened the cat quickly stepped in; he didn't feel like explaining to anyone why he was up this early. As the dimmed lights of the lamps in the elevator, that should have been replaced 3 months ago, were shining on Huskers fur soft music could he heard in the elevator. Alastor chose this music. Husk realized as he payed more attention to it. Alastor and Angel were the only demons in the hotel who listened to this kind of music. But Angel Dust absolutely hated elevators for some stupid reason, so it couldn't be him.

With a slow pace the cat demon had now left the elevator and made his way over to the bar. He stretched out one of his arms, caressing a bottle of booze with his paw. He was glad he was alone, at least: he hoped so, if anyone saw him be ever so gentle around a literal bottle of booze rumors would spread. Especially if Angel had seen this. That nasty spider would do everything to catch an embarrassing moment of Husker and spread rumors around the whole hotel. With a soft huff Husker sat down behind the bar, taking a few sips of his booze. Husker never cared about what time it was, as long as there was booze around time seemed to be a miracle. The only "time" Husker knew was 'time for booze'. Vaggie, of course didn't agree with this. And even Charlie, as much as she likes to see demons happy, didnt like the idea of a bar. But of course she wanted Husker to be at least a bit happy in this hotel. Husker sighed as he rested his paws on the counter, eyes slowly closing. This was until he got interrupted by the one person he didn't need to see right now. Husker looked up, eyes still heavy. For some reason Angel still avoided him, he just walked straight to the couch acting as if the cat wasn't right there. No matter how pissed Husker was at the spider, he couldn't help but he worried about him. Husker opened his mouth to talk, but soon closed it as he noticed the embarrassed look on Angels face. Is he embarrassed by what happened? Husker thought. At first Husk thought that Angel Dust did it on purpose; to tease him in one of his stupid ways. But now taking a good look at Angel: he noticed that the spider didn't seem amused himself either. Husker moved his head more towards Angel, taking a better look at the spider who's face was red in embarrassment. Husker waited for the spider to answer. Though to Huskers surprise: he didn't. The spider seemed to notice the cat demon glancing at him. The spider demon looked back at Husker with a "what" look. This made Husk quickly look away, hiding the red blush on his own face. 'Breakfast is ready!' Yelled a radio like voice. This made both Husker and Angel turn around to see who this was. Thats when they met the eyes of the radio demon. Both demons were shocked, they never realised that Alastor was there. Husker groaned softly, annoyed by the fact that everyone was going to get downstairs now. And the moment these thoughts came to mind, a small demon came running down the stairs, her one, huge eyes shining brightly in happiness. Though this happiness in her eye soon turned into a awkward, slightly disgusted look as the small demon looked Angel. Great, so everyone DID hear him. Thought Husker angrily as a soft growl escaped his lips.

(We are now changing to Angels perspective, still talking in third person!)

When everyone had arrived at the table, eating breakfast it seemed to be more quiet than usual. No one was talking about their day, the hotel, nothing! Alastor wasn't telling his dad jokes, Niffty wasn't talking about her new fanfic, and even Husker: who never said anything, seemed even more quiet. Next to Husker sat Angel, playing with his food and fidgeting with his gloves and fingers with his lower set of arms. However, this silence was broken by a cough of Charlie, who was clearly uncomfortable by this energy at the table. However, she didn't say a word either. The cough did bring the spider back to reality, also making him realize that he had this weird feeling that someone was staring at him. Why does everyone keep staring at me for Lucifers sake! Thought Angel, balling up his fists under the table in pure annoyance. He looked up and turned his head to the right, his eyes now looking right into the yellow eyes of the cat who was right next to him. Though as soon as Angel made the eye contact, Husk broke it again, quickly looking away. This made Angel frown a little. What was his problem? That was when he noticed. He most likely heard Angel last night, and looking at the others: they definitely also did. Angel looked at Vaggie, who was awkwardly looking at the bartender, who was too embarrassed to even look up. A soft chuckle was heard from Angels mouth as his mind started running again. Just imagine it. Kitty Cat In The Pornstars Bed! Would be a great movie. Thought Angel Dust with a slight smirk on his face, not noticing everyone was staring at him due to the chuckle which broke the painfully awkward silence. With his upper 2 hands the spider took his plate, where he hadn't eaten a thing from, his lower 2 hands pushing the chair backwards as he stood up.

After Angel brought his plate to the kitchen he heard a ring coming out of his chest fluff. The spider took his hellphone from the bunch of whit fur, struggling to find the small thing. 'Extra big pocket, comes out quite handy. Except for Hellphones,' Muttered Angel under his breath as he read the name of the caller. As he saw who this was a shiver was sent down Angels spine, and definitely NOT in a good way.

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