Chapter 19- Day Three

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Today is the day, You tell yourself as soon as you wake up in the morning. Being pregnant was not fun, but it was well worth what was going to come out of it.

~Minho's PoV~

I woke up a few minutes before her, as usual. I love watching her sleep. Watching her chest move along with her rhythmic breaths. She looked beautiful when she was sleeping. Everything about that damn girl was beautiful.
She woke up, a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked. Today is the day. The day I'm gaining a child.
She sighed, "Nothing. Just a little scared I guess." I mustered our the best smile I could. She isn't the only one that's scared.
We both got dressed, but instead of taking her to the dining hall, I took her straight to the Homestead. She followed without argument, as I promised her I would bring her breakfast once she got settled in. I open the doors and Jeff runs up to us.
"Is it happening?" He asks.
"No, idiot." She snaps. "Trust me, I'll be a lot more violent when it is happening."
"Alrighty then. Right this way. We have a separate room prepared just for you." Jeff leads us into a small room with a bed placed in the middle. In the far left-hand corner, sits two brown wooden chairs that look like they might fall over if anyone were to actually sit on them. I help y/n onto the bed, and kiss her on the forehead before I head off to get her breakfast. I arrive in the dining hall, and go to the back of the line. I finally get both of our food, and as I'm walking out, Newt runs up to me screaming my name.
"MINHO! MINHO!" He shouts as he flails his arms. "ITS HAPPENING"
"What?!" I shout back.
"It's y/n! She's having contractions!" He takes the plates and sets them down on a table next to us. He grabs me by the ad, and pulls me out the door. "Bloody hell, man! Could you be any slower?!"
"I'm coming!" I shout and burst into a sprint towards the Homestead. I reach the doors to hear screaming. I turn around and see Newt limping behind me. He picks up the pace and is soon standing next to me.
"Should we go in?" I ask.
"No we're supposed to wait out here for a baby to appear out of nowhere. Yes you shank, open the bloody doors!" I push the handle open, but am instantly stopped by Alby.
"No way." He says. "Y/n doesn't want you in there."
I stop, shocked by what he's saying. "Why wouldn't she want me in there?"
"She just doesn't want you to see her like that," he says. All goes quiet in the conversation besides the loud screams coming from the room I left y/n in earlier. For all I know, they could be murdering her.
"Maybe he's right." Newt says. "I wouldn't want a shank like you in there if I was giving birth either." I give him a look and mouth 'ha ha'. I want to be with y/n, but I guess it'll have to wait. Newt and I give up arguing, and resort to sitting against the outside wall of the Homestead. We wait in silence for what feels like an eternity (and probably was), before the screaming finally cuts off. We snap our heads at each other.
"Oh my god. Okay. Alright. Oh my shucking God. Do I look alright?" I stammer.
"You're girlfriend just either gave birth or died and you're worried about how you look!? God you bloody idiot." He pauses. "You're hair is a little messed up, one second." He fixes my hair for me and dusts off my clothes a bit. "Shall we?" {Your welcome for that little Minewt moment there. ;)} We walk into the Homestead without being stopped this time. I nervously open the door to y/n's room.
"Everything alright in there?" I ask without looking in.
"Oh Minho, come see him!" I hear y/n call out from inside. I push open the door the rest of the way, and walk in with Newt right behind me. I see my beautiful girlfriend with a beautiful baby in her arms. She smiles at me. "It's a boy!"
I smile back at her, completely speechless. Wow. I'm a father. Shit. I'm a father.
"Name ideas?" I ask.
"I was thinking b/n." She says. It's a great name, and fits him great.

Authors Note
Heyyyyy! Guess what?! I'm not dead!!!! Yay! :D Sorry it's been like three years since I've updated (not really, it's been like four days), but I've been super busy (doing nothing). I really wanna try to update more and also maybe start a Thomas Brodie-Sangster imagine book or something.?. Comment whether it should be a continuous story, or separate imagines, or if I just shouldn't do one at all! Thanks! Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get it out there. Congrats on your baby!! :)

P.s. I love you

P.s.s. I also love myself

P.s.s. I also really love Thomas Brodie-Sangster

P.s.s. Minho's a badass bitch

P.s.s.s. Bye

P.s.s.s.s. <3

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