Chapter 6 has.... Trix. (But Trix are for kids!)

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A few days have gone by, and you've heard no word on Minho. You're starting to get really worried, wondering if he's ever going to wake up. You've been in the Glade for 2 weeks, been through all the job training, but nothing has felt right since you lost Minho. No. You didn't lose Minho. He's just sleeping. Like Newt said.

You're back in the same tree you were in when you first met Chuck. This tree had kind of become your safe haven now. Your own private area where you could just sit and think. Think of everything that has happened. You haven't been to see Minho at all yet. The first few days he was in the makeshift hospital, because the old one had been burned down, and they had to use the Slammer as a hospital, so no visitors were allowed. After that though, the builders had completely rebuilt the Homestead and Minho was relocated to there. You could have visited him then, you just didn't want to see him in such a rough shape. Newt had offered to take you multiple times throughout the week and a half, but you said you didn't want to every time he asked. Thomas had asked a couple of times, and the time you said yes you broke down in tears on your way there and so you went back to your tree.

"(Y/n)!" You hear someone call out. It's obviously Newt. You can tell simply by the accent. He runs straight to your tree and looks up, knowing you'll be there. "(Y/n)! It's Minho. He's awake." Right when you hear this, you jump down from the tree, ignoring the pain in your ankle that you've had since falling from that burning building. You look Newt straight in the eye, at a complete loss for words. He starts running out of the Deadheads and you follow until you two reach the Homestead. Newt stops in front of the door and says "Do you wanna go in alone? I've already talked to him a bit." You smile and nod, walking through the door.

You find the main med jack, Clint, and ask him to help you find Minho. He takes you straight up to his bed, where all of the runners are surrounding him. When they see you coming, they say their goodbyes and leave. Which leaves two people on the entire floor. You, and Minho.

"Hey" you say as you approach his bed. When you finally see him, you can clearly see that his skin was torched. He looks better now, but the scars are still evident. He's wearing a back brace, probably because of you falling on him.
"(Y/n)?" He asks, attempting to draw closer to you, but wincing in pain as soon as he tries to move. You walk right next to his bed and hug him while he's laying down. It's not much of a hug, but it feels like so much more than the hugs you've been giving other people lately. You don't realize you're crying until you pull away and Minho points it out saying, "Why are you crying? Did you want me to be dead?"

You laugh and wipe away your tears before responding "I was just so worried, Minho. I'm sorry."
At this, Minho laughs. "You're sorry?! Shouldn't I be the one apologizing? You had to live without me for over a week!"
"Oh yeah, it was just awful" you say sarcastically and then start laughing. After a couple of seconds, Minho stops laughing but you continue on, not realizing that he stopped. When you finally realized you're the only one laughing, you stop abruptly and say "What?" Looking at the stupid smile written across his face.
"Oh um.. Nothing." He says breaking the eye contact. "It's just.. You're very beautiful when you laugh like that. I mean, not that you're not always beautiful. Because you are. You are always beautiful." He begins to trail off, making you blush. You stop looking at him and look down at your feet, smiling. "Thanks", you reply. What else are you supposed to say?

You you turn around to see Newt walking in the door. What ever happened to you seeing him alone? All well. It was getting a little weird anyway.

"Who's that?" Minho asks, knowing he isn't able to move to see for himself.
"It's your fairy godmother" Newt says in a high pitched, girly tone. You and Minho both start laughing and Minho says "Sounds a hell of a lot like Newt, if you ask me." Which cracks all three of you up. Minhos throat is so dry he starts coughing almost immediately and you and Newt rush to his bed saying, "are you alright?"
"Geez, can't a man cough in the Glade anymore?" He responds, he's obviously fine. "So what do you want Newt?"
"Just came to let you know that everyone in the Glade is missing you so dearly. And also that we'll be having the meeting to decide (y/n)'s fate here as soon as you get out of this bloody hospital." Newt says.

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