When Two Adrenaline Junkies Race

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GoGo's P.O.V

This definitely was a weird experience. Of course, me being me I don't really care but it was interesting either way.

"Okay Tom Tom, what do ya wanna do?" I asked.

"I have an idea." He grinned. We walked outside Fred's mansion. I still had trouble believing the nit wit lived here but oh well.

"Okay Mr attitude. What the heck are we doing?" I asked, popping the gum that I had been chewing all morning.

"Let's have a bubble gum blowing competition." He said.

"Sure princess but let's do that at my house." I said. We started to walk there.

"So uh, how did you dudes become, you know, super heroes?" I asked absent minded.

"Oh it's a long story, basically after Takashi died, (y/n) found out that the professor set up the fire that killed Takashi and stole her microbots. That's how we sort of came to be... How did you guys form?" He asked.

For the first time in my life, I was shocked. My eyes opened wide. "Practically the same story, except it was Hiro's older brother, Tadashi." I responded as I opened the front door.

"Anyways, for our bubblegum blowing competition, we each need a new stick of gum." He explained. I nodded and opened a cupboard in my kitchen.

I grabbed to sticks of gum from a box and tossed him one as I flunked my body on the arm chair and flung my feet over the arm rest. We both spat out our old gum onto a tissue.

Tom Tom sat on the leather couch opposite me. I looked at him determined. "Okay, on your mark.. Get set... Go!" I yelled and furiously chomped on the candy.

He worked on his gum with a bored expression and I think I fell asleep once or twice. Eventually we both start blowing. I took it nice and slow and he went as fast as possible.

Yeah I know, why is GoGo so slow? It's to do with technique. Start slow then go really fast.

I watched as Tom Tom's bubble burst as it got to the size of his head. I started blowing faster and eventually it went twice the size his got. His eyes grew wide and when it got three times bigger, it burst with a loud pop.

"Wow! How did you do so good?!" Tom Tom exclaimed. I smirked.

"It's a little thing called 'practise' and I think you should try it." I said. Tom Tom just rolled his eyes in boredom.

"So GoGo, what should we do now for the rest of these boring hours?" He asked.

"Since when is GoGo boring!? I am a Tomago. Adrenaline is what I talk about." I said as I got up and pulled two pairs of rollerblades out. I chucked one pair to Tom Tom and pulled the other par on.

"Okay woman! Geez! Where are we going to ride these?" He asked as he pulled his on to.

"The path way." I said simply as I popped another bubble.

"Sweet, speed is my middle name." He remarked.

"Is it really?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He laughed.

"No, not really." He said. We walked out the foot path and did sweet tricks. I did a backflip and landed back on my wheels as Tom Tom did a side ollie.

After a while we put my skates away and looked at the time. "I'll race us back to Fred's Mansion." I said. It was just so big!.

"Your on!" Tom Tom said as he took off. I ran against him and soon we were neck and neck.

Tom Tom's P.O.V

Never had I seen a girl like GoGo before. She wasn't one of those girly girls at all! She was some what similar to me in fact. I ran and jumped over a small bin and nearly face planted.

I continued to run as GoGo slowly caught up. With the last burst of speed she had left, she over took me and won.
We burst through Fred's room and panted, red, sweaty and out of breath.

"Good game GoGo, good game." I panted.

The rest of the gang turned their heads and looked at us. No one said anything for a while and then Fred spoke up.

I guess (y/n) and Hiro are still hanging." Fred winked.

"We totally need to hook them up!" Honey Lemon squealed. We waited for what seemed like hours for them.

"Hey... What time is it?" Lucy suddenly asked.

"5 pm." Replied GoGo.

"And the two are still not here?!" Lucy explained. "It's been 2 hours!"

"Maybe they are hanging? If you know what I mean?" Angel said, wiggling her eyebrows. Was everyone already shipping them?

"Not likely, Hiro has a knack for making sure everything happens on time. Even if it means ending something fun." Wasabi pointed out.

"Well where are they?" I asked worried. Never in my life had I felt this scared for my friends. I was sure they were fine but 2 hours late? It started to seem a little worrying even for me! And I don't worry at all!

"Let's wait a bit longer." Honey Lemon suggested. We waited for about two hours and they still hadn't arrived.

"It's 7 pm now, and they still aren't here. Let's go to Aunt Cass. Maybe she would have seen them." GoGo said.

"No, that's a bad idea. Aunt Cass would flip if she saw Tom Tom, Angel, (y/n), Lucy and Cola Coa-Coa." Honey Lemon argued. "I am sure Hiro would have thought of that as well."

"Maybe the robots know where they are." Honey Lemon suggested.

"I will scan now." Said baymax and Bitmix. After awhile they spoke.

"Hiro and (y/n) seem to be at the garage." Baymax noted.

"And both their neurotransmitters are rising high. They seem to be, distressed." Bitmix added.

We all turned to each other with shocked expressions. "We should go and check on them. I am sure Aunt Cass won't see us if we just go directly to the garage." GoGo said popping her gum.

"Yeah, let's do that. I wonder why they are so worked up." Angel wondered. We all ran out of the room as fast as possible. Bitmix and Baymax just stayed as it would have taken them a while to get there.

We all arrived at a garage similar to (y/n)'s back home. What we were welcomed with was shocking.

"Idiot! Why the hell did you do that!" I heard (y/n) yell.

"I don't know, maybe because you were the one who deleted the files!" I heard Hiro scream back.

"I swear I didn't!" I hearse (y/n) almost cry. With the help from the others. We opened the garage door quietly. The two were staring at each other angrily and hadn't noticed us.

GoGo cleared her throat and they froze in place.

"What's going on here!?" She demanded.

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