Neat Freaks in a Mess

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Wasabi's P.O.V

I decided to take Ginger to a restaurant down town. As we walked there, we had a conversation.

"So Ginger, is Ginger your real name or did Lucy give you a nickname like Fred did to me?" I asked. Ginger laughed at my comment.

"Nah, Ginger is a nickname... For a very silly reason! So the gang and I, well at the time the gang consisted of me, Cola Coa-Coa, Tom Tom, Lucy and Takashi. Anyways, we were in a sushi bar when I had a piece of sushi with Ginger in it. I ate it by accident, thinking it was salmon and choked on it... Lucy found it funny and started calling me Ginger. Now I am stuck with the name." She said.

"But you could have died!" I protested.

"I know! That's what I said! But they were all like, 'but you didn't die so calm down!' And I was all upset!" She exclaimed.

I nodded at her, understanding. "What about you? I find it hard to see a reason why Fred would nickname you Wasabi. Did you choke on wasabi?" She asked.

"Nah, it was a different situation." I explained. "I was with the gang, Tadashi, Honey Lemon, GoGo and Fred and we decided to have sushi for lunch. We sat down and I wanted to eat some sushi with wasabi. I picked up the packet and had trouble opening it. Eventually I did but it went everywhere on my shirt! Fred found it funny and didn't let a single day pass with ought reminding me of what happened." I said.

We continues to walk until we were right outside the Sushi Train. We walked in and took seats close to all the sushi, moving by on a conveyor belt.

We ate a few plates when we heard a crash behind us. We turned in sync to see a waitress that bumped into another. On the floor was a splatter of food.

"Here, you both clean up yourselves and I will clean this up." Ginger immediately said, walking over to them.

"On no miss, it's okay." One of them exclaimed.

"Nah, just go. We can deal with it." I exclaimed as I joined Ginger.

"Thank you." The other waitress said.

Me and Ginger found a broom and swept all the broken plates and food into the pan. We found cleaning sprays and sponges and started to clean the floor from the sauces and oils that were on the food. In a matter of time, we were done and we washed out hands in the kitchen.

We returned to our seats when both waiters came out. "Thank you both for helping us." One of them said. The other nodded their head in agreement.

"Yes. Thank you. As our treat, you don't need to pay for your lunch, it's off the house." the other exclaimed.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as we headed out the door. I put a $5 tip in the tips jar and headed out the building with Ginger.

"How much time do we have left?" Ginger asked.

Ginger's P.O.V

"How much time do we have left?" I asked Wasabi. He got his phone out and looked at the time.

"We have ten minutes before we should go back to Fred's mansion." He replied.

"Well, let's go back now then and see what the others did." I suggested.

"That is actually not a bad idea." He said. "But let's buy some cleaning utensils on the way." He suggested. My eyes lit up.

"Oh yes! I need to buy some new cleaning stuff to!" I said. He dragged me to the 'Keep Clean' store and we browsed through all the tools.

There were toilet brushes, scrubbing brushes, brushes for mould, mud, dirt. EVERYTHING! In the end, I purchased some new gloves as mine were started to get holes back home.

We walked out the shop and headed back to the others. Heathcliff opened the door and told us that the others were waiting for us.

"I wonder what (y/n) is doing with Hiro." I thought out loud.

"Me to, I think they would be a good couple." He agreed.

"We should talk about getting them together with Honey Lemon and Cola Coa-Coa." I noted.

"Yeah, I bet they would be flipping out with excitement." Wasabi laughed.

We took a left turn at a crossing and walked down the long corridor, passing the family portrait of Fred and his mum and dad.

We saw Honey Lemon and Cola Coa-Coa enter Fred's room and quickly did the same.

Soon, GoGo and Tom Tom came in a few seconds after us looking red, tired and sweaty. They probably had a race to be that tired and red.

"I guess (y/n) and Hiro are still hanging." Fred winked.

"We totally need to hook them up!" Honey Lemon squealed. We waited for what seemed like hours for them.

"Hey... What time is it?" Lucy suddenly asked.

"5 pm." Replied GoGo.

"And the two are still not here?!" Lucy explained. "It's been 2 hours!"

"Maybe they are hanging? If you know what I mean?" I said, winking. They were probably confessing to each other and got so wrapped up in themselves that they lost track of time or something.

"Not likely, Hiro has a knack for making sure everything happens on time. Even if it means ending something fun." Wasabi pointed out.

"Well where are they?" Tom Tom asked worried. I had never seen Tom Tom so worried.

"Let's wait a bit longer." Honey Lemon suggested. We waited for about two hours and they still hadn't arrived.

"It's 7 pm now, and they still aren't here. Let's go to Aunt Cass. Maybe she would have seen them." GoGo said.

"No, that's a bad idea. Aunt Cass would flip if she saw them." Honey Lemon argued. "I am sure Hiro would have thought of that."

"Maybe the robots know where they are." Honey Lemon suggested.

"I will scan now." Said baymax and Bitmix. After awhile they spoke.

"Hiro and (y/n) seem to be at the garage." Baymax noted.

"And both thier neurotransmitters are rising high. They seem to be, distressed." Bitmix added.

We all turned to each other with shocked expressions. "We should go and check on them. I am sure Aunt Cass won't see us if we just go directly to the garage." GoGo said popping her gum.

"Yeah, let's do that. I wonder why they are so worked up." I wondered. We all ran out of the room as fast as possible. Bitmix and Baymax just stayed as it would have taken them a while to get there.

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