Chapter 31

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You all thought that this will be a normal fight.

But of course it won't be like that.

Because suddenly Mikey punched his own teammates.

„Is he serious right now?" you asked.

„But Mikey we are your mates!" sanzu tried to stop him.

„And? What is it about? I don't care who you all are." he said and landed a kick on sanzu.

Everyone looked in shock while you were kinda amused about that.

Well... he kinda deserved it....

But then your amusement turned into horrific.

He slowly started to punch everyone.

Even senju.

„Takemichi what now?" you asked him.

„I-I really don't know y/n-Chan....." he replied.

„This won't end good right now." Chifuyu mumbled and then got a punch from Mikey.

And then he even punched you in the face.

You flew a bit away and your side got kinda blurry.


Is this the end?

Well at least I don't have to see Hanmas face anymore.

Your head hurt very much.

You licked above your lips.

And you realized that your nose was bleeding very hard.

Why do I always have to fall in love with guys like him?

You really hoped to die right now.

You wanted all of this to end.

And then your sight got black.


After some time you slowly heard punches.

„Y/n-Chan look!" Chifuyu tried to wake you up.

„Huh? What happened?" you asked still confused.

Chifuyu then pointed at the sight infront of you all.

„Takemichi is punching Mikey?" you asked out of disbelief.

„You can see my movements don't you?" Mikey asked him.

So it's about the time leap.....

Takemichis face looked kinda horrified.

„WHY DID YOU EVEN COME BACK?! I promised you that I will keep everyone save in the future! So why?!" Mikey raged out.

It's your been a while that you see Mikey raging out like this.

The last time was when Emma died and he was fighting Izana kurokawa.

„In the future you begged me to save you. So I promised it and that made me timeleap again. So I will save you mikey-kun!" takemichi replied.

„Why don't you understand that there isn't a way to safe me?!" Mikey yelled at him.

You then stood up and went to takemichis side.

„no matter what Mikey. We will try to save you. Look at this mess right now. We can stop this!" you tried to help takemichi.

„no. He even tried it too." he mumbled and looked at the ground.

„Who do you mean with 'he'?" you asked him.

Mikey then sighed out.

„‚my brother sano shinichiro was also a time leaper." Mikey said.

„WAIT WHAT! But how does sanzu know? How could this be possible????" you asked.

You were extremely confused.

Haruchiyo looked at you kinda disappointed.

How dare he look at me like that.

I should be disappointed at him for killing that good boy kakucho.

„Why are you looking at me like that sanzu?" you asked him annoyed.

He then chuckled to your reaction.

„Ah y/n-Chan.... You shouldn't have put your nose everywhere. It would have been better if you didn't try to help Mikey. This all happened because of a reason." sanzu explained which made you pissed off.

„Me? Excuse me but let me remind you that YOU killed your own teammate named Kakucho hitto!" you replied back at him which caused to get more attention.

Sanzu was about to shout back when Mikey stopped him.

„Haruchiyo! That's enough. So let me tell you the story." Mikey said and you and takemichi turned your attention back at him.

You always wondered what kind of guy shinichiro sano was.

You never dared to ask Mikey about him.

Because who the fuck would ask about a dead person? (Me of course huh)

I think that all of my questions will be solved now.

You thought and then started to listen to his story.

I won't write about shinichiros backstory because it's useless here. So I will Release a chapter when I have new materials.

~to be continued~

Hello guys!!!!!! I hope you liked this chapter. Damn it's about 2 months that it was the last time of updating this book. I am so sorry for that but I needed some chapters. One person wrote that I should make my own ending but I am too lazy for that. Right now I got motivation to write again so you can also check up my other stories. So many things happened since the time I last updated.....

My cat passed away out of nowhere. I still can't handle the sadness inside of me. But I will get a new one in Dezember so I hope that the wounds could heal better.

I graduated form school. So most of you know that I had my exams and I talked a lot about it lol. But yes I was one of the bests with 1,83.

I started my apprenticeship. Yes I am working as a official. I have a very high position and with that money I will get my drive license and the cat.

But everytime I write this story I have to think about the old times. I want to go back to 2021 and replay everything. End of 2020 of getting my cat. In 2021 getting a new friendship and finding happiness and be with my class once again.....

Sorry for this long text but I just want to let you know that everyone has his problems. I think I am quite struggling with depressions again but I hope it won't last long.

It was nice to write this right now pewh.

Anyways have a nice day and bye bye 👋🥰

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