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billie's pov

"Bil, you can come if you want," Amelie told me as she stood leaning on the bedroom doorframe.

"Go have fun with your friends, I'll still be here when you get back," I respond from the comfort of our bed.

Amelie was going to one of her friend's party and insisted she wouldn't go unless I did. I told her that they were her friends — not mine, and after much convincing, she decided to go.

"Are you sure?" She asks once more.

"Yes! Now go!" I shoo her off. Amelie began to eventually comply and head to the front door, but not before I call her back.

"Wait, 'Melie," I call, "Gimme a kiss first."

She walks back into the room, heels clicking against the hardwood floors.

She presses her lips to mine momentarily before pulling away.

"If you need anything, just call me okay?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she nods.

"Go have fun, don't get too drunk without me!" I jokingly smack her ass as she heads out the door.

"No promises!" I hear her yell back, causing me to laugh.

Originally, the plan was to stay awake until Amelie came home. However, that plan did not work out.

It was about 12am when I felt myself doze off and it was the loud "fuck!" from the kitchen that had woken me up several hours later.

Making my way into the kitchen to see what the commotion is, I find Amelie standing in the kitchen, looking down to a cup on the ground, surrounded by water.

"What was that about?" I squint, adjusting to the light.

"I spilt water everywhere," She pouts, looking down at the puddle on the floor.

Still half asleep and too tired to do anything, I lazily grabbed a hand towel and threw it over the mess.

"How was the party?" I ask, taking Amelie's cup from her.

"Kinda shit to be honest," Amelie tells me.

I glance to the clock on the wall, "But you managed to stay until 2 in the morning?"

"Fuck you mean? Free alcohol, of course I did!"

I laugh at her antics, "Where's the water jug?"

"Um... I don't know. I think I put it back in the fridge."

I open the refrigerator, no water jug in sight.

"No, the other one!" Amelie points to the cupboard. I turn to her, more confused than ever.

I can't help but roll my eyes at my girlfriend. As much as I love her, what the fuck.

"The pantry?" I question.

"Yeah... that."

Sure enough, the water jug was sat on the top shelf of the pantry.

"We should get a puppy." Amelie randomly pipes up as I begin pouring water into a cup for her.

"So our landlord can hate us even more?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She scoffs, "He can go fuck himself, I want a puppy."

"Drink this," I tell her, sliding the glass of water to the other side of the counter.

Amelie's nose scrunches up in response, almost like she was disgusted.

"What?" I deadpan.

"I'm not thirsty."

"But you just tried to get water?"

"Yeah but I don't want it anymore."

"You need to drink it, my love," I prompt her.

Eventually, she does at told, downing the water quicker than expected.

"Thought you weren't thirsty?" I ask.

She ignores my comment, staring directly into my eyes.

"I hope our kids get your eyes," She blurts, drunkenly.

My mouth goes dry at that. We'd never spoken about starting a family, not anytime soon anyway.

Unsure how to respond, I give her a small smile as an intense blush covered my cheeks.

"Let's get to bed, yeah?" I glance at the clock after Amelie yawns and rubs her eyes.

"To bed?" She repeats in a suggestive manner.

"To sleep." I shut down any ideas she may have.

"Dang it," I hear her mutter under her breathe as she followed my lead to our bedroom.

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