week four

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I had text Harry to let him know I was going through a female crisis known as my period and would probably be staying home today, quickly falling back asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and reached for it sleepily, peeking an eye to make sure I was swiping correctly putting it to my ear.

"Mmm, hello?" I said, my voice full of sleep.

"Just how I expected you to sound today." The voice laughed over the phone.

"Who is this?"

"Do you know many men with British accents, Lacey?" The voice teased.

"Not enough unfortunately." I smirked, finally gaining some recognition as to who was on the phone, "Morning Harry."

"I was beginning to worry I'd already been replaced."

"Mmm, not yet anyways." I giggled softly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired. In pain. Emotional." I adjusted myself in bed, sitting up a bit rubbing my eyes.

"I'm sorry Lacey, umm, is your brother home?"

I raised a sleepy eyebrow, "Um, I don't know, what time is it?"


I sat up quickly, opening my eyes, "No way?" I pulled my phone from my face looking at the time, "Wow, I can't believe I actually overslept. But um, no, he's definitely at work."

"Cool, buzz me up."

"You're here?" I quickly swung my feet over.

"Yeah, I bring coffee and bagels. Come on, it's cold."

"Okay, okay." I hung up and leaned over to the landline on my bed, pressing the intercom to the front door, "Did you freeze yet?"

He answered quickly, "Lacey!"

I couldn't help but laugh pressing the button right next to it buzzing him in.

I ran across to my bathroom quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth as I heard him moving downstairs.

I threw on some biker shorts under my oversized shirt and made my way down to join him.

"Morning." I smiled, he was wearing sweats and a loose v-neck, he had managed his messy flop into a small bun, setting up the table.

I quickly realized I hadn't fixed my hair, and pulled it out of the tangled bun, running my fingers through it.

"Morning, do you prefer an everything bagel or a plain one?" He smiled.

"Everything please." I sat down at the table and he took the chair across from me.

I split my bagel in half, making sure to spread the cream cheese evenly, taking a bite and chasing it with a sip of coffee.

He ate his like a sandwich, cream cheese spreading everywhere and I laughed, "I swear I've never met anyone as messy as you."

He wiped his mouth, sipped his coffee and shrugged, "When I'm hungry, my only concern is eating."

"Touché." I said matter of factly before adding, "Don't you have class today?"

"Yeah, but sleep and this seemed like more fun."

"After all it's just our parents' dollars down the drain." I shrugged.

"Exactly." He smirked, taking another messy bite causing me to cackle, "So what do you plan to do with your day off Miss Burket?"

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