Chapter 11- Something Is Lurking In The Shadows

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It was a nice afternoon, they still had Hope in surgery. They couldn't figure out what was happening. (They is nurses). Josie has been pacing and Landon went back to patrolling the streets for any violence. Nobody has heard from Hope's agent, which should've been a surprise. You send one of your best detectives, then they get hurt and you don't call again.

"Josie Mikaelson," says a nurse. Josie turned around and gave the nurse her full undivided attention, waiting on the news for Hope. "Will she be alright?" asked Josie, she was nervous, Josie would bite her nails more. She didn't want Hope to die, she wanted to try for a new beginning.

"Hope is okay, she's resting now. Give her a few days to relax and we'll tell you when she wakes up." Josie nods and the nurse smiles at her. After the nurse had dropped the news to Josie, the nurse left. Josie left the hospital and took a deep breath in, she could feel the anxiety attack happening. And yes she lied about her last name, it was the only way to let Josie in, by being Hope's wife.

Josie was glad that the nurses did everything they could to help Hope. She was happy with that but a part of her wanted to know how they saved her. Hope's stitches seemed pretty tight so they would've had to cut into her skin, just to get to the bleeding layer. Things didn't quite make since when you were just a nurse in training.

They wouldn't let Josie help because 'her wife was in surgery and they couldn't bother with the strings that are attached'. Josie knew deep down that she did like Hope but she never thought that she could regain feelings for the Hope Mikaelson. They've avoided each other ever since.

Landon had finally showed up, he was exhausted from all the patrolling he had to do. Patrolling can take a lot out of someone who's been an alcoholic for years. Landon had a big old beer belly from drinking so much.

"How's Hope?" Landon asked and Josie gave him an honest answer. Landon smiled at the news and hugged Josie,"God I'm so glad she's okay, how are you holding up?"

"I've been staying at an hospital for awhile, but I'm okay," Josie gave Landon a fake smile. Then some guy in a suit walked up to them.

"Does anybody here know of Detective Hope Mikaelson? I've been called and told that she was here. She listed me as an emergency contact," said the guy in the suit.

"And who are you exactly?" Josie said with a little bit of jealousy. Who could this guy have been and why was he here? She wanted to get to the bottom of it.

The man chuckled and smiled down at Josie,"I am Detective Jackson Hudson but you can just call me Jackson my lady." Josie was quite fond of the man's accent.

"So may I know your guys names or am I just going to call you by Sheriff," Jackson said while pointing at Landon,"And I'm just going to call you Mrs. Mikaelson, I never knew Hope had a wife or I would've congratulated her."

Josie's face flushed a nice little pink, Landon was confused and looked at Josie who just avoided Landon's gaze.

"I can take you to Hope, but she's resting so she won't really be able to see you." Jackson smiled," That's okay, I just want to be here for my little sister."

Josie was confused by this, Jackson has always been by Hope's side, she knew that. Hope would talk about her best friend Jackson, but she never knew the last name and Hope never went more into detail.

"I'm not actually her wife by the way." Jackson nods and pats her on the shoulder,"I know, but she still loves you despite the things she has said." Josie looks down and smiles.

Jackson takes his hand away from Josie's shoulder and pats Landon on the back and Landon almost falls over.

Josie shows Jackson around the hospital, even if he's been in hospitals thousands of times. Landon was confused on everything that happened. Jackson seems like a good guy so maybe he wouldn't have to put a detective behind bars.

"So how is Hope holding up," Jackson asks, Landon smiles and tells him that Hope is fine. Jackson could sense a bit of jealousy, Hope must be one of the best women ever if she has people falling at her feet like that.

"Okay, I didn't get your guys names. Could you tell me what they are?" Jackson smiled and Landon rolled his eyes. Just because Landon thinks he's a good guy doesn't mean he has to act friendly.

"I am Josie, and this is Landon. I'm sorry for his rude behavior." Josie said with a shy smile, which made her look cute in every possible way. Jackson smiled back, only because Josie's smile was contagious like that. Not because he liked her, he knows it'd never work, that's Hope's ex girlfriend. He's heard all about the infamous Josie Saltzman.

After a long walk, they reached Hope's room. She was still knocked out. Landon had left and Josie sat by Hope, waiting for Hope to wake up. Jackson was by the doorway, making sure that only the good nurses would come in. After all, everyone is a little scared of a tall man.

Author's Note: I don't know if I made Jackson short but he's tall now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for not writing a ton, I hope you guys didn't forget what happened in the previous chapter. Thank you for your guys patience

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