Chapter 12- You Lurk, You Hide or Something Like That

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Hope finally woke up in the middle of the night and Jackson smiled at her. She smiled back and saw Josie was asleep. Hope thought, Jackson was trying to stay up all night and be lookout. Which is very much true.

"How are you doing Hope?," Jackson asked to break the silence and Hope nods,"I am fine. Now what brought you down here?"

"I'm here to find the guy who tried to murder you within these walls." Hope nods at Jackson's statement.

"So there's still a case going on?" Josie asked from just waking up, she heard everything. "Apparently and Hope can't be an active detective in this crime"

"Why can't I?" Hope asked and Jackson ignored it as if it was a stupid question to ask. "Tell me Jackson, I'm the lead detective in this case."

"Now you're a victim, you almost died from the bullet wound and a surgery form some nurse who wouldn't do it correctly. Now by all means, I suggest you recover and allow me to take over from the time being. Jade killed Josie's dad and a few other people, you were the main character in her game. Now what happened when you got shot? Did you see anyone lurking behind poles or doors or anything?" Hope shook her head. Jackson wanted to get to the bottom of this and he wanted to get to the bottom of it quickly.

Author's Note: I'll make one more chapter to this and then i'll be ending it. The next chapter will be much better then the last few.

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