Chapter 10- Hospitals

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Hope was immediately rushed to the hospital, Josie went with Hope and Landon stayed at the crime scene like a good officer should do for his town.

After about 48 hours, Hope had woken up. Josie had stayed at the hospital for those 48 hours. She didn't get much sleep in those hours.

Josie looked up and smiled at Hope. Hope smiled back and looked around the room,"Where am I Jo?"

Josie sighed of relieve, she thought Hope would've forgotten her or something while she was in a 48 hour coma. "You're in the hospital, believe it or not."

Hope sat up slowly and Landon walked in. He smiled at Hope and Hope nodded at him. He handed her the flowered and she looked at them and put them down.

"You guys are giving me flowers like I'm in a funeral or something, come give me a hug." Hope smiled and Josie hugged Hope first. Josie was careful when she hugged Hope, she didn't want to hurt her.

Landon did the same as Josie but Hope groaned a little in pain. Landon was afraid that he would've hurt her but Hope shook the pain off and gave them a small smile.

"I'm glad you guys are here." Josie and Landon both looked at each other and looked back at Hope with a smile.

"So when can I leave this room?" Hope asked, she was desperate to leave. She never liked hospitals, in fact she despises them.

"You can leave when they relieve you." Landon said, Josie excused herself and left the hospital. Truth be told she was overwhelmed and relived at the same time, she needed fresh air. Apart of her thought Hope would've died, the bullet hit right into her stomach but the doctor said it missed all the organs and arteries. Another part of Josie wanted Hope to keep fighting to stay alive, she never wished death upon anyone.

Landon and Hope were talking, Landon finally decided to sober up. Hope was proud of him. Landon went on and on about his recovering and how much liquor bottles he gave away. Hope didn't really get much of a chance to talk about his recover because suddenly there was a massive hit of pain. Landon was concerned, "Are you okay? Should I get a nurse?"

Hope shook her head and Josie came back into the room with some nurses. Hope started to go back into sleep, but what she doesn't know was that she was in fact bleeding internally. Seems like the doctor missed something or he was planning to kill her all along.

Author's Note: This was last moment. I'll try to write a bigger chapter in the next one. I couldn't think of anything else to write about but the next chapter will include Hope going back into surgery or whatever. Idk just yet but I hope you guys enjoy this

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