Chapter Seven: The One With The Bake Sale

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"Baby! I've been looking all over for you!" Audrey turned around in a jolt, recognizing the voice that made her want to own a punching bag.

Ryder dressed in casual jeans and shirt with a black vest, was walking towards her with a 100 watt smile.

"Don't get your head up in the clouds, I was just practicing for the camera." He stated as he approached her. 

"Oh good, I'll also practice how not to throw up when you're shamelessly throwing around cheesy dialogues." She retorted.

Ryder's hands quickly clutched the left side of his chest and he stumbled a few steps back, faking a pained expression, "You words seep in like bullets, love." 

Audrey gave him an unamused smile and dialed Kaylee's number on her phone to check where she was, it was a charity bake sale with the foster kids foundation that Audrey was helping out at. Without her manager slash best friend Kaylee, there was a huge possibility things could go out of hand. 

"Oooo. Is that lipgloss that you're wearing?" Ryder inched closer to Audrey and simultaneously she took a step back. "I see someone has come prepared, cause you can't seem to get enough of me." He smirked. 

"C'mon, c'mon..pick up." Audrey silently muttered to herself, hoping for Kaylee to show up as soon as possible. 

"Holy cow." She saw Ryder's face go blank. "What are those." He said, pointing in the direction of the playground. 

Audrey could not believe what she had to deal with, "Kids, Ryder. Children. The foster kids that we are here to help today."

Ryder swallowed. "Kids?" "KIDS?" "Nonononononono." He cried, pacing back and forth. 

"Ha! Would you look at that? The great RJ Ryder's kryptonite are a bunch of seven year olds." Audrey exclaimed.

"They are evil, Audrey! EVIL. My nephew almost set my pants on fire and then proceeded to hit me with a baseball bat as he tried to put it out." Ryder's face held sheer panic as he recollected the thoughts. 

Audrey smirked and found this as a perfect opportunity to bargain her way out. "Well, you know, if you could announce on your radio about how horrible you are for making those comments and apologize to me on air, you can leave." She suggested, hinting a small smile trying to be as sweet as possible. 

Ryder stopped pacing and faced Audrey. "Well, they're not that evil." He smirked. 

Audrey's face went into a sulk, this was going to be a long day.

"Umm, Audrey?" 

"What now?"

"I don't think Kaylee's gonna make it." Ryder said, looking at his phone. "I just got a text from Connor, seems like they're, umm, busy." 

Audrey sighed, she could almost read tomorrow's headlines. "Booming author Audrey Blair, found dead due to severe annoyance" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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