Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Sophie opens her eyes, and finds herself in an engine room, the Doctor, Jack, and Martha all around her. "Does that ever feel any better?"

Jack shrugs, "Probably without a concussion. Still, I've had worse nights. Welcome to the Valiant."

Martha rushes over to the small window, "It's dawn? Hold on, I thought this was a ship. Where's the sea?"

Jack smiles, "A ship for the twenty-first century, protecting the skies of planet Earth."

"We don't have all day!" the Doctor starts, "Come on!" He takes off running out of the corridor, the other three following behind him. They run up and down corridors, until suddenly the Doctor skids to a halt.

Jack nearly runs into him, but catches himself. "We've no time for sightseeing," he states, crossing his arms.

"No, wait," he starts. Sophie opens her mouth, and the Doctor plants his hand over it, "Shush, shush, shush, shush. Can't you hear it?"

"Hear what?" Jack asks.

Martha impatiently taps her foot, "Doctor, my family's on board."

The Time Lord lets Sophie go, and beams, "Brilliant. This way." He takes off running in a random direction. He leads them down a gangway, and flings open a door at the end. Standing regal in the centre of the room is a big blue box. The Doctor sighs, a large smile crosses his face, "Oh, at last!"

Sophie can't help the smile that crosses her face as well, and sighs. "I never thought I would be this happy to see the old girl."

"What's it doing on the Valiant?" Jack asks.

The Doctor walks up to the TARDIS, and pushes the door open. Instead of the grungy yellow lighting that is normal, the console room is flooded in a bright, blood red. The console is wrapped in what looks like chicken wire, with lots of different wires coming out. There is a large clock set at the top of the console, with a gauge fastened to the mesh. "What the f*ck has he done?" Sophie asks.

"Don't touch it," he growls.

"What's he done though?" Martha asks, "Sounds like it's sick."

"It can't be. No, no, no, no, no, no, it can't be," the Doctor laments, searching over to console.

"What is it?" Sophie asks.

"He's cannibalised the TARDIS."

"Is this what I think it is?" Jack asks, leaning in front of the mesh surrounding the time rotor.

"It's a paradox machine." He taps on the gauge that's hooked to the chicken wire, "As soon as this hits red, it activates. At this speed, it'll trigger at two minutes past eight."

"First contact is at eight," Sophie mutters, "then two minutes later..."

"What's it for? What does a paradox machine do?" Martha asks.

"More important," Jack adds, "can you stop it?"

"Not till I know what it's doing. Touch the wrong bit, blow up the solar system."

"Sounds to me like we need to get to the Master."

"Yeah," Jack agrees, "How are we going to stop him?"

"Oh, I've got a way," the Doctor smiles. He then turns on his heel, and heads for the exit, "Sorry, didn't I mention it?"

*Flight Deck*

Carefully, the group slip onto the deck. President Winters is talking into the camera about the aliens. "This plan," Jack whispers, "you going to tell us?"

He taps the key hanging around his neck, "If I can get this around the Master's neck, cancel out his perception, they'll see him for real. It's just hard to go unnoticed with everyone on red alert. If they stop me you've got a key."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll just follow your lead."

"I'll get him," Martha finishes.

Four Toclafane spheres appear out of thin air. The President stands straighter, "My name is Arthur Coleman Winters, President Elect of the United States of America, and designated representative of the United Nations. I welcome you to the planet Earth and its associated moon."

The first sphere speaks in a masculine voice, "You're not the Master."

The second sphere speaks with a feminine voice, "We like the Mister Master."

The third sphere also sounds masculine, "We don't like you."

Sophie slowly moves, and whispers to Jack, "This isn't going to end well."

The President speaks, and the Toclafane laugh in sync. The third sphere speaks again, "Man is stupid."

"Master is our friend," the first sphere says.

"Where's my Master, pretty please?" the female asks.

The Master leaps out of his seat, and slips in front if the camera, "Oh, all right then. It's me. Ta da!" he does jazz hands. "Sorry, sorry, I have this effect. People just get obsessed. Is it the smile?" he smiles. "Is it the aftershave? Is it the capacity to laugh at myself?" I don't know," he shrugs. "It's crazy."

"Saxon, what are you talking about?" Winters grumbles, stepping forward.

"I'm taking control, Uncle Sam, starting with you." He turns to the spheres, "Kill him."

The fourth sphere points its blaster at the President. An energy burst leaves the barrels and Winters explodes into little pieces. Whispers spread across the deck, as some people duck under the table, and others draw their weapons, aiming them at the Toclafane. The Master laughs loudly, applauding. "Guards," he calls.

The guards turn their guns on everyone else on the deck. "Nobody move! Nobody move!"

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