Chapter Thirty-Eight

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They step outside, into cold night air. Sophie tugs her coat a little tighter around her shoulders. " was day, and now it's night."

"That's traditionally what happens when the earth rotates on its axis."

Sophie sticks her tongue out at the Captain, "That's not what I meant, and you know it."

Tosh looks along the street a bit nervously, "Where's the SUV? Has it been stolen?"

Jack sighs, and shakes his head, "No. We have."

Tosh begins to pace along the sidewalk, before pulling out her mobile. She opens it, and sighs, "It's no use. It's dead. I can't get through to the Hub."

Sophie pulls her phone out of her pocket, and flips it open, "You were trying to call the Hub, right?"

"Yes," the woman says, looking a bit confused, "How are you going to get through?"

Sophie smirks, "A bit of jiggery-pokery." She finally glances at the screen, and sees the cracks all along one side, and the fact that it isn't turning on. She sighs, and presses her face into Jack's chest, "Those b*st*rds broke my mobile. And it was new!" she laments.

He pats her head in a kind way, "Let's get back inside. That's where we were when we crossed."

As they step back inside the dance hall, Tosh looks around in awe, "We really are in 1941. What if we can't get back?"

Jack shrugs, "Flotsam and jetsam slips through all the time. We'll get back. Look on the bright side. Gives you one hell of an excuse not to go to your party."

Tosh turns, and glares at him, "I have a life there. And they can't help us back at the Hub because I have the latest readings in here." She then looks out at the crowd, to see a large group looking their way. "People are staring at us."

"People tend to do that. Just walk around like you own the place. Always seems to work for the Doctor."

Jack rolls his eyes, "Don't take advice from a raving madman," he states pointedly. "We need to try to blend in." He immediately removes his earpiece, and shoves it in the pocket of his coat. He then turns, and helps Tosh remove her coat, and tosses it over his arm. Turning on his heel, he puts his hands on the shoulders of Sophie's coat, and helps her pull it off, revealing a blue swing dress underneath. He can't help the smile that spreads across his face. ""Looks like you were expecting this."

She looks over at him, "I was heading to a fancy dress party. You're just lucky I chose this over a clown."

Tosh looks down at her dress, "Blend in," she grumbles, "It's easy for you to say. I'm the only Asian here."

"Don't worry," Jack says, his flirty grin crossing his face, as he offers her his arm, "You're with the Captain."

Sophie laughs, and takes his other arm, and he leads the ladies to the bar. "Two waters, please, and a brandy."

A uniformed man walks over to the bar, his eyes landing on Tosh, "I haven't seen you in here before." Jack's attention is drawn from the airman, and the bartender tells him the price. He reaches for his pockets, before realising that he has no cash. "I'll er, get them," the airman offers.

"Thank you," Jack nods.

"On one condition.," he adds.

Jack leans against the bar, and raises an eyebrow, "What?"

The soldier grabs Tosh and drags her onto the dance floor. She looks uncomfortable, as the airman pulls her around the dance floor. She's trying to pull away from the man. Jack's face darkens, and he steps out onto the dance floor. He approaches the airman, and taps him on the shoulder. "Do you mind?" he asks.

"I'm only borrowing her, mate," the man states, and tries to move away.

Jack grabs his arm, and removes it from Tosh's side, "Maybe she doesn't want to be borrowed."

"You want to make something of it?"

Jack's flirty smile crosses his face, "You can always dance with me, if you want."

The airman strikes out, and shoves Jack backwards His smile is wiped from his face, as he glares daggers at the other man, "Okay, I'll lead, you follow." He shoves the man back as well. He grabs Tosh's arm and starts to pull her away, "Come on, Tosh."

Sophie sees the airman start to move toward him again, and she dumps the coats down on a chair, and starts to make her way to the fight. The airman swings, and punches Jack, knocking him down on his *ss.

Sophie steps in front of the airman, and offers Jack her hand, as another uniformed man steps in front of the airman, grabbing his arm, "Cut it out, kiddo." He turns, just as Jack gets back on his feet, "Sorry about that. The men are a bit lively tonight. It's the last day of OTU tomorrow." Jack rolls his neck, and nods. "Apologise to the gentleman, George."

"I was only dancing," George argues.

The man gives him a pointed look, "I think it was your fist he didn't like, not your foxtrot."

"I'm sorry," George says begrudgingly.

Jack shrugs, "It's okay. You barely got me."

"I think the lady also deserves an apology."

"I'm sorry," George says again.

"Apology accepted," Toshiko smiles.

The soldier nods, and slaps George on the back, "Let's get a drink, George." He gestures Jack and Tosh to go in front of them, and Sophie follows along behind the group. As they approach the bar, the Captain asks, "Hey, are you a volunteer as well?"

Jack takes a sip of his brandy, and nods. "I'm Captain-" they start at the same time.

Jack chuckles, "You go first."

"I'm Captain Jack Harkness. 133rd Squadron," the man states.

Jack's smile freezes, and Tosh nearly chokes on her water. Sophie studies Jack's face, and sees a host of emotions behind his eyes. He doesn't get the chance to say anything else, as the manager calls for their attention, and takes a photo.

He removes the developing image from the back of the camera, and steps between the two captains, "One more for the record, sir. I insist." The photo is taken, and the creepy manager steps away. 

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