Chapter Four

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They run up the stairs to the roof, Jack reaching the top first, holding the door open for the others. As they step out, Lazarus and Tish step closer to one another. "I find that nothing's ever exactly like you expect," Lazarus states, "There's always something to surprise you. Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act-"

"Falls the Shadow," the Doctor interrupts.

The professor turns, seeing the group all gathered near the stairs, "So the mysterious Doctor knows his Eliot. I'm impressed."

Tish turns around glaring at her sister, "Martha, what are you doing here?" she hisses.

"Tish, get away from him," Martha urges.

Sophie's mind wanders again, watching Martha try to keep her sister safe, it reminds her of Morgan, and thoughts are drawn once again to the image of her friend's body. She only snaps out of her thoughts when Jack wraps an arm around her waist, in a very protective manner. Sophie realises that the Doctor's eyes are focused on her, "Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, it's the person."

She smiles at him, knowing he is speaking of Morgan. She forces herself to focus on the task at hand. Lazarus and the Doctor keep swapping words, while Martha urges her sister to leave Lazarus. The Professor begins to spasm, and Sophie turns around almost immediately, Jack right beside her. The Doctor, Martha, and Tish follow right behind them. As soon as they leave the roof, the Gallifreyan sonics the door to the roof shut, before sprinting across to the lifts. Martha turns to her sister once she's sure that they're safe, "Are you okay?"

Tish looks lost, "I was going to snog him."

Jack smiles over at her, keeping his arm wrapped tight around Sophie's waist. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks in a quiet voice. She doesn't get the chance to respond, as the lights begin to flicker, a tannoy responding from the ceiling. The lights flicker off fully, the doors slamming closed all around them.

Jack looks around, "What's going on?" he asks, looking at Tish.

She seems to consider it for a moment, "An intrusion. It triggers a security lockdown. Kills most of the power. Stops the lifts, seals the exits."

"He must be breaking through that door," the Doctor shouts, gesturing at the door that he just sealed. Turning around he grabs Tish and Martha's hands, "The stairs, come on!"

Jack grabs Sophie's hand, racing after the Time Lord. "Glad I changed my shoes," she murmurs.

The Captain chuckles, tearing down the staircase. A crash resounds from above them, and Martha glances behind her, "He's inside!"

"We haven't got much time!" the Doctor shouts.

They continue down the stairs at record speed, the Doctor shouting orders. "When we get down there, Jack, I want you to focus on getting the civilians out. Martha, Soph, help him."

"Hang on, Doctor," Jack argues, "I can help you against Lazarus. I have more stamina than the normal human."

"If he takes your life force, imagine the destruction that could cause."

"Fair point. Okay, I'll help get the people out then, but promise me you'll be careful."

The Time Lord nods, whilst bursting out into the reception hall. Turning around, he shouts, "Tish, is there another way out of here?"

"There's an exit in the corner, but it'll be locked now."

The Doctor grabs his sonic screwdriver, tossing it to Martha, "Setting fifty four. Hurry."

Jack rushes over to the stage, "Okay, listen up," he shouts, then whistles to get everyone's attention, "You are all in serious danger! You need to leave right now!"

A woman in the crowd scoffs, "Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive."

At that moment the giant mutant Lazarus comes bursting through the wall, standing on the balcony. Everyone immediately turns their heads, many of the people screaming. The creature jumps down, crushing a table. People all around start to panic, running around. Sophie follows the Doctor, while Jack works on getting people out of the way.

Martha and Tish are unlocking the doors, and the mutant Lazarus focuses in on a woman. She stands beneath him frozen in shock. He unhooked his jaw, and brings his tail up, the second mouth appearing. The Doctor's eyes widen, and he shouts at Lazarus to leave the woman alone. The creature ignores him, letting the women's dessicated corpse fall to the ground, an unsettling noise resounding through the room. The screaming intensifies, as people frantically run at the now open door. Jack is standing right beside them, ushering the people out.

Francine runs across the room, where Leo lays on the floor, his eyes a bit shaded. Lazarus turns his attention to the mother and son.

The Doctor turns to race over to Lazarus to find Sophie standing beside him, he glares at her, but shouts at the creature, "Lazarus! Leave them alone."

Lazarus turns around from the mother and son, facing the Doctor. Martha immediately rushes to her family, while the Time Lord faces down Lazarus, Sophie at his side. "What's the point? You can't control it. The mutation's too strong. Killing those people won't help you. You're a fool. A vain old man who thought he could defy nature. Only Nature got her own back, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure!"

He turns, grabbing Sophie's hand and racing down a corridor.


Jack continues to usher people out of the reception room, the Jones family racing over. He watches Lazarus chase the Doctor and Sophie around the corner. Tish watches it happen as well, and turns to Martha, "What's the Doctor doing?"

"He's buying us time so we can get ourselves, and everyone else out. So can we go, please?" the Captain says.

Martha looks her brother over, rushing over to a nearby table, grabbing some ice and putting it inside of a napkin, "He's got a concussion. Mum, you'll need to help him downstairs. This'll keep the swelling down." Jack ushers them all out, slamming the doors closed behind them. 

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