Chapter 30

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Unfortunately my wish to try and leave everything that happened in Winston back in Winston, did not come true. When we returned a couple of weeks ago, I was greeted with emails from every single one of my professors recommending that I take an extended break. After reading through the first two of the four emails that I had received, I landed on one from the dean of the school, making it pretty clear to me where this new found kindness came from. He said it in nice terms, but basically I would be a distraction to all the other students. My life has become the new bare shoulder for the students of Nealson's Academy of Arts.

So, now I am on lock down in my apartment. This new arrangement is great for Jericho, but I am dying being stuck in here. I had thought that I would be able to go outside at least. Walk around in the sun adn get some fresh air. No. As soon as I stepped outside the pointing and whispering began. My once seemingly invisible life is gone.

Tonight, not only signals the beginning of winter, with the first snow of the season, but it is also Teagan's show. A show that I was supposed to be seated in the front row to cheer her on. However, one of the things I am excluded from because of my forced extended break is student activities. I tried everything to get around it, even writing a scathing email back to the dean, but it was no good. Teagan doesn't even go to the same school. However, since a lot of our schools' activities are connected and my dean happens to know the head of Teagan's school, I got blacklisted. My break, though supposedly optional, is not and is thus not a negotiable matter.

When I told Teagan about it, surprisingly she was less angry than I was. The nerves of her show, since getting home have been off the roof, so she said it was a relief to have one less person in the crowd to disappoint. What she doesn't know is that I paid one of the freshmen fifty bucks to livestream the show to me. Like hell, I will miss it.

To make matters even worse Max seems to have bailed out last minute. He has been radio silent in response to any of her texts today. Meaning that she now has an outfit, specially fit to the asshole's body, that now looks all wrong on the junior that kind of has the same build. To say she was furious would be an understatement. She had been counting on the fact that he would come.

Bowl of popcorn in hand, I begin connecting my laptop to the tv. After a second or two, the runway comes into focus on the flat screen. Since it is a little early, people are still filing into their seats. The video is a little shaky, but who cares. Shaky or not, at least I get to see it. See all the hard work that I know that she has put in behind the scenes to make it all happen.

The doorbell rings, making me take my eyes away from the screen. Looking over at the clock, I see that it is ten minutes until showtime. She seriously can't be backing out now. I will drag her back to that runway, rules be damned, if I have to. She is not missing this. She has worked way too hard.

Climbing off of my warm, comfortable couch I point at Jericho, "Do not take my spot."

Wrapping one of the many blankets around myself, I hurry over to the door ready to greet what I would imagine is going to be a stressed Teagan. Swinging it open, I say, "Tee, get your butt back there."

However, instead of being greeted by my best friend's crying, there is the face of the aforementioned asshole. He waves at me awkwardly. I in turn, try to slam the door in his face. It is the only fitting move in this situation. The lock never clicks though because Max's foot has acted as a door jam.

Pushing the door back open, "Damn, I think you broke my toe." He cups his foot while balancing on the opposite leg. The action brings back to when my lead toed friend stomped on my own foot in an attempt to meet the imbecile in front of me.

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