Chapter 18

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It is only when the small snores begin that I realize John has fallen asleep. I originally thought that the smell in here was due to the mix of hard alcohol that Edward had given me at the bar, but it seems to actually be coming from him. Thinking back to his speech, I realized that his words were slurred, but I had been too concentrated on what he was saying to hear it. Gently detangling myself from John, I take his arms from around me and place them on the desk as a sort of makeshift pillow for him. Next, I lower his head, being careful not to disturb him. Some of the sunkenness of his face is probably due to a lack of sleep, so it is best not to wake him.

Also, hopefully he will think that this was all a dream. I tend to doubt that he will, but anything is worth a shot at this point. Slowly, I slip out of his office, closing the door lightly behind me. No one stops me as I leave the bar, not even Edward who seems to still be in the midst of talking to Cho, while refilling her long stemmed wine glass.

The cold of the evening air hits my face as I walk out the non-exist bar door. For some odd reason, the chill had not invaded the bar. It felt almost like there was an invisible door keeping heat in and the cold out. Wrapping my jacket a little tighter around myself, I continue making my way across the parking lot to my car.

Even in the dimly lit lot, I can see a figure leaning against the door. Due to the fact that I just exited a bar and the bartender doesn't seem like the type to hold alcohol back, I brace myself for having to deal with someone that has had a little too much. However, when the man hears me approaching, he looks in my direction while slightly stepping away from the car. His movements aren't sloppy. I'm no expert, since it took me hugging John to realize he was drunk, but this man more than likely isn't.

I stop, realizing it stupid is to keep approaching. We are in the middle of nowhere, most of the people around are a little intoxicated, and this man just based on his size can definitely overpower me. The smart thing would be to run. Run fast and far. Maybe find the main road. Or to turn around and go into the bar. However, all plans of trying to make an escape go out the window when I hear the voice of the man. A voice I definitely recognize.

"Kendahl!" Levi comes towards me and pulls me into a hug. Scrunching his nose, he pulls back, "Have you been drinking?"

"One shot, that's it. Tradition." I shrug my shoulders in the same way that Edward did, imitating the 'what can you do about it' gesture.

"Edward." I think he mumbles, clearly knowing about the bartender's tool of initiation. "Well, that means that I am driving you home." He extends his hand out to me for the keys. Instead of cooperating, I hold them closer to my chest.

"So, you're telling me that you are in the parking lot of a bar and you haven't had anything to drink?" I scoff.

"For your information, I just got here, so no. Nothing for me, yet. Meaning that I am going to be the only one driving this fantastic car of yours." He has always loved my car. He even once told me that if I was selling it and didn't sell it to him, he would sell my kidneys on the black market as pay back.

"I'm fine, Levi. Look." I walk in a straight line to prove my statement true. It was one drink, there was food and water in my system, and it was about twenty-ish minutes ago. That is the best combination of things to ensure that I will be fine to drive home. Fine to drive back by myself.

However, my little sobriety test does nothing to convince him to leave me alone and go on with the rest of his night. The only thing it has done is bring me close enough to Levi that he can steal the keys right out of my hand. Grinning, he runs back around to the driver's side. He turns on the car and the reverse lights pop on. If I don't get in now, he will drive away with the Bronco and I will never see it again. Sighing, I go over to the passenger side. Levi's a fine enough driver and maybe if he finally lives out his dream of driving the car, he will finally leave me alone about it.

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