Chapter 20

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The house is completely dark, aside from the porch light, by the time that we roll up into the driveway. Before getting out, I gather up all of our fast food bags. If I leave them in here overnight, it will be at least a week before the smell of salt and grease leaves the leather. Somewhere along the way, Teagan fell asleep, so before heading to the trash, I shake her awake.

"Having a nice dream about Max?" The comment earns me her best sleepy glare.

"Stuff it or I will bring up your kiss in the woods." She sasses back, stumbling down to her feet.

"Touché." We head off in opposite directions, her to the door and me to the cans. Tonight is a garbage night, so it makes no sense to drag our empty bags inside. I am slamming the lid back onto the overstuffed trash can when I hear an ear piercing scream.

"What happened?" I whisper-yell to Teagan as she runs down the driveway to me.

"I think that there is an animal on the porch." She points a shaky finger to the doorway.

"Okay, so?" I prompt, clearly forgetting who I am talking to.

"Okay!" Her voice raises slightly before remembering how late it is, "Okay? That thing could have attacked me!" I don't miss the "Americans" that she mumbles under her breath as I go forward to scare away the mystery animal on the porch. It is safe to say the habit is officially back.

I don't even get up to the landing of the porch, when Jericho comes strolling over to me. Though obviously animals can't express their emotions the same ways as humans, the little bounce in his step and the smug way that he holds his head makes me believe that he is more than aware of the fear that he has caused the sleepy girl, who is still shaking at the end of the driveway.

"You are a little trouble maker, aren't you?" I scratch the underside of his chin, earning myself a purr. Picking him up, I go back down the driveway to show Teagan the horrible beast.

"Seriously, it was him! Kendahl, I think that it is time that you think about finding a new roommate." I know that this will just make her more annoyed and it is like poking the sleeping bear, but I can't help myself.

"Okay, Teagan, have your stuff out by the end of the month." I make a show of looking at Jericho before turning my head towards her. She glares at me, clearing unamused. If there is one thing that you shouldn't do is anger a sleep deprived Teagan. That is when her claws truly come out.

We walk back up the driveway, Teagan cursing out the cat the entire way. Jericho's response to this is to meow after every insult. I carefully balance him in my left arm as I open the door. Teagan huffs a quick good night as she goes off into her room. I'm not too far behind, making sure to lock the door back up before going up. I place Jericho carefully on bed before going over to my closet to change into a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

"Jericho, buddy, I think you did it this time. She seems pretty angry." He picks his head up, watching me.

"I know, I know. She is overreacting, but you know how she gets when she is tired. Messing with her when she is half awake isn't cool. I think that you need to make it up to her." He hisses at the statement. That is one of the reasons that talking to him doesn't make me feel crazy, for some odd reason he responds to what I say. Teagan still thinks that I am insane, but I know that he understands.

"No hissing at me, Mister, you gotta make it up to her this time. Figure it out because both of you are important to me." At that he gets up from his spot and turns around, putting his back to me.

"Fine be mad, but you still have to fix this." This time he gets up, stretching out. Then he jumps off the bed and slowly walks to my closed bedroom door. He looks over his shoulder, cuing for me to open it up for him.

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