Chapter 17

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After the revelation last night that Sandra Postine is missing, Teagan and I read every news article that has been written about the case so far. Since she had only been officially reported missing for a few hours at the time, there weren't many details surrounding the case out to the public. They all had the typical information: her age, height, weight. All her physical features listed. The place she was last seen. However, after comparing three different articles, we realized that none of them agreed on her last known location. One said that she hadn't been seen since she left work, another said she never came into work that day, and the final said that she worked somewhere completely different that what the other two articles, entirely.

Based on the majority of the articles, my initial vague description of her job was correct. She actually is the CEO of AroMath, a publishing company for educational books. Basically any kind of textbook, testing manual, or sample exams are likely to have passed through her company before they ever make it to the schoolhouse printers.

After seeing that we weren't going to get anywhere with the news articles, Teagan and I went on a deep dive through her social media. We had to scan through a few different Sandra Postines, before actually landing on hers. Her Instagram and Facebook weren't very useful. The usual vacation photo or food pic, but nothing particularly interesting. The only thing of note that we found is that she was actually married. Mrs. Sandra Postine was actually Ms. Sandra Richards back in the day. She got married to John Postine a couple of years ago and they have been together ever since.

The funny thing is none of the news articles mentioned anything about her husband. Based on the lack of photos, they might be separated. That would explain the lack of a ring and the possible relationships with new men, however when we looked over at his account, they had just recently renewed their vows.

After finding all this information, we decided to put everything away for the night. This afternoon we chose to split up, Mrs. Postine's list of friends would be dm'd by Teagan, under the guise of her being a concerned friend trying to see if they had any helpful information to find Sandra and I would try my hand at getting in contact with the husband.

Unlike his school book publishing wife, he owns a new local sports bar, the Trench. That is probably one of the reasons that the couple's appearance in town didn't cause too many waves. They are business owners thus they belong.

What I didn't realize about this establishment, from Google Maps, is that it is underground. There is only a sign pointing to a staircase to indicate that it is even there. You would expect there to be a bouncer or something, since it is a bar, but there is nothing at all. On the outside there is this huge, mostly empty, parking lot and only a little, narrow, staircase at the front. To be honest, I'm surprised there hasn't been a town meeting about removing the weird underground lair. The only thing that I can think of is that it is so far away from any actual buildings and crowds, that most of the town's people don't even know that it exists.

After carefully stepping down the stones of the stairs, I make it to where the door should be. However, there is only an empty doorway. I don't even see a door laying around anywhere to show that they just took it off the hinges meaning that it is likely some sort of sliding door.

Looking around the bar, I can see why it is named the Trench. The whole thing is decorated with military memorabilia. Now that I think about it, I do remember reading a post on Sandra's instagram about John coming home from a tour in Afghanistan. I didn't think too much about it at the time, but I guess his time in the service really shaped him. I don't remember seeing any other mention of him having served besides his going away and coming home posts. However, looking around this bar, it is like a life size memory box.

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