Chapter 21 (end)

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Chapter 21

Jane had run. She had run fast and long. Until she couldn't calm her breathing without her inhaler. She knew Henry hadn't followed her through the dense forest that borders the town. She had run to get as far away from the house as possible, to forget for a moment how she had felt when he confessed to her what he had done. The pain in her chest was enough, just for a moment, she forgot everything, she just had to focus on the pain, but it was all back as quickly as it was gone.
Jane started crying again.
Leaning against a tree, she tried to catch her breath between two sobs. She couldn't believe that Henry had lied to her for so long, she couldn't believe that after what she had done for him, he spoke to her in that tone, and above all, she couldn't believe he had been ready to draw his knife.

She didn't want to go home, she just wanted to disappear and never see anyone again.


She turned hastily, to face Stan. The "not seeing anyone again" part was compromised.
She threw herself into the boy's arms and began to cry again, louder than before. She was letting it all out, she couldn't remember ever having cried so loudly in front of her friend.

"What's up with you Jane? You want to talk about it ? »

She took a step back, tears still on her face, to find that Stan was with his friends, including Richie.

" You were right... "

She didn't want to say too much in front of her brother. He would judge her, he would laugh at her and how stupid she was for thinking that Henry Bowers, the big bad town bully, could do anything but screwing with her. He would laugh at the feelings she had developed.

" He lied to me... "

Stan hugged her tighter. If she hadn't been crying all the tears in her body, he would surely have answered her something like "I'm always right" or "I told you so. but the girl was really in a sorry state, and just seeing her best friend in this state made her heart ache.

"I'll be fine, Jane, look at me. He peeled her away from him to look her in the eyes. " It's gonna be OK. It's nothing. »

She tried to nod, but she met her brother's worried gaze that had fallen back, and all the guilt she had ignored since tutoring Henry had resurfaced. She had always felt like she was betraying him. She had helped the one who had made her brother's life hell for so long, that nothing could ever make up for what he had done, then she had become his friend, and she had tried to ignore that rising guilt, which devoured her little by little. She had lied to her brother and she had fallen in love with the worst person in Derry. She didn't deserve him.
Her tears began to flow again. She had lived in her bubble for months, paying no attention to her friends and family.

"I'll walk her home, Richie."  Bev had arrived and hugged Jane. She peeled her away from Stan to guide her on the right path and gave Stan a knowing look, which clearly meant "you explain to them, while I take care of her."

The four boys watched the girls walk away, Jane still sobbing, until they were out of sight. At that moment Stan turned to Richie, undisguised anger on his face.

"Now that she's gone, can you tell us what you did Richie. »

The boy gave him a look full of incomprehension, while the other two losers tried to understand what was going on. Stan continued:

"Jane was dating Bowers. Well... They kissed or something. She really loved him."  He stared at Richie, as if trying to punch a hole through his head. "Richie found out the day Patrick caught her, and Bowers hasn't spoken to her since." He sketched a sarcastic smile accompanied by the tone. "I wonder what could have happened between our discussion and this moment. »

Toziette (Henry Bowers)(English version)Where stories live. Discover now