Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It was an amazed Richie who opened the door. Amazed to see Bowers at home and amazed that he knew where he lived.
Astonishment gave way to anger when he noticed his sister, suffocating in his arm.

"Bowers! What did you do to her?"
"We'll talk about that later, Tozier. Where do I put her?"

Richie was too worried about his sister to argue with Henry, so he just guided him into the living room and pointed to a sofa.

"I'll go get someone. You don't touch her."

He had done everything in a rush, which had elicited a chuckle from Jane, and between two difficult breaths she addressed Henry.

"Dramatizing is obviously a family affair."

He smirked, and moved over to sit on the couch next to her, but changed his mind abruptly when Wentworth entered the room.

"Did you do this to her?"
"Of course, I assaulted her, then brought her back to you!"

Jane stifled a laugh, she couldn't laugh at Bowers' provocations, let alone in front of her father and brother. Richie gave her a dark look.

"Jane! My baby! What happened to you?"

Maggie had just entered the room and rushed over to her daughter to make sure she wasn't hurt, before Jane could say anything, she had straightened up to face Henry.

"You are Butch's son, aren't you? Did you bring her back here? Thank you!"

She hugged him, and everyone in the room was shocked. Bowers the most. He didn't know how to react, people rarely hugged him, so he waited for her to let go.

Which happened quite quickly, as she hurried back to her daughter to check her breathing.
The boy quickly felt too much, and began to slip away before being caught by Wentworth.

"I'll take you home, I'll explain to your father why you're coming home so late."

He nodded, glad he didn't have to walk, nor to have to talk to his father.

. ._ .. ._ .. .. ._ _. ....

Jane spent the rest of the weekend and Monday in bed, under the advice of the doctor, who would have preferred her to go to the hospital, for a full check-up, but she firmly refused.

The bruises were still there.

The pain in her lungs was gone pretty quickly, but the girl was exhausted and struggled to recover.

So it was Tuesday morning that Jane returned to school, fresh and ready to learn a lot of new things. Jane was that kind of student, the kind who likes to go to school to learn, especially science subjects, and Tuesday morning was the perfect morning for her. Even though the rain threatened to fall.

She would start with one hour of math, then one hour of advanced math, and she ended with two hours of chemistry. Everything seemed perfect, especially since that morning, the teacher, Mrs. Meyer had planned a practical work and even if the mark counted for 50% of the semester mark, Jane loved to do experiments and was ready to have the best mark in the class, except for Stan.

"This week, we're going to draw the pairs, the last time some took advantage of the lesson to do nothing ..." She stared for a moment at the back table, the one where Criss was sleeping and Bowers was rocking casually in his chair, feet on the table. "... And I don't want that to happen again." She put a cardboard box on her desk.

"You go one by one to pick up a number, and you will pair up with the person who is the same as you. Like that, no favoritism or preferential treatment. "

Toziette (Henry Bowers)(English version)Where stories live. Discover now