Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

As June approached, Jane and Henry had become real friends. Stan had totally disapproved of the idea of ​​them getting closer. Even though Jane had assured him that their friendship was limited to class, he had noticed the glances exchanged in the halls of the school. He understood perfectly well that they had grown closer and that their relationship had evolved.

The boy didn't know where it was going to lead his friend, but he was sure it was going to backfire on her. He assured her that as soon as Henry didn't need her anymore, he would be an asshole again, and a bully. That he would quickly forget about this year, and wouldn't hesitate to throw her in a bin again if he had the chance.

He hadn't told her, but he expected the entire Bowers Gang to be waiting for her during the last session to thank her for her help. Thanks in the Bowers way.

Stan just couldn't imagine Henry Bowers not being mean and cruel. The same Henry Bowers who pulled out his knife at every opportunity, the same Henry Bowers who had been willing to kill Richie for a bad joke on his pink jacket. The same Henry Bowers who had rubbed snow on his face until he was bleeding.

Just because he dared to be happy.

Beverly had told her to trust herself, and that if Stan was right, they would both be there to support her.

Jane hadn't told them anything about her discussion with Henry, or anything that had been said during the tutoring in general. She didn't think it was their business, and most of all, she liked knowing that she was sharing something with Henry.

Just with him.

Over time, Henry had gained her trust by listening to her and confiding in his turn, keeping his promise and reassuring her, and even though he was awkward, protecting her from Patrick.

She was also sure she had won his trust.

It's his fault that Patrick got after you in the first place, he told him to do it. He drew his attention to you.

The thought had surfaced in her head one night when she was thinking about the evolution of her friendship with Henry, and it had stayed in the back of her mind, and had come back to tease her when Stan had warned her.

These kinds of intrusive thoughts often crept into her head, stupid things like "open the car door while it's moving" or "what if you stick that knife in the table" Or "It's Henry's fault." She often chased them away as quickly as they came, but even trusting Henry, she couldn't help but believe Stan, and doubt.

Her doubts were always forgotten when she walked into Henry's room, and they started laughing together.

._.. ._.. .. ._ _. ... .

"Jane?" The young girl responded with a simple mh- inviting him to continue. "Do you hate me ?"

He seemed hesitant, away from the abrupt Henry who had repeatedly threatened her.


She hadn't looked up from the magazine she was reading.

Henry had hidden the ones he didn't want her to find, after she started flipping through one, commenting on the petite outfits and postures of the women inside. She had asked him why they wore so little clothes, of course she knew what an erotic magazine was, especially from the playboy brand, but seeing the boy's face take on different shades of red over the course of her questions had been so fun, that she had insisted on, until he jumped on her to retrieve it and put it on top of a cupboard, knowing full well that even if she wanted to reach it, she was too small.

He had reproached her for digging into his things too much, and she had told him that if he let her work rather than force her to relax, it wouldn't have happened. The next time, his room was tidy and the only magazines she could find were about sports or cars.

Toziette (Henry Bowers)(English version)Where stories live. Discover now