Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Jane had been writing her English homework for ten minutes, the silence of the room was heavy, only the sound of pencils on paper was heard. Normally the young girl fought for a moment of silence, but normally she was not alone in a room with Henry Bowers. The silence under these circumstances was oppressive, only interspersed with loud sighs, it constantly reminded her that she was not alone. The boy next to her regularly moved a little more sharply, making her tighten a little more each time, making her job more complicated.

After a moment, he let go of his pencil and stretched. It was too much movement for Jane, who jumped, dropping her pencil in turn.

He gave her a look she couldn't interpret.

"We're taking a break."

She looked at him without really understanding.

"But ... We haven't even been fifteen minutes ..."

He cut her off, visibly annoyed.

"I said, take a break."

She got up and followed him, like last time, she expected him to grab a beer and smoke in the garden, but he went straight through the door that led to the garden.

Barely outside, he grabbed Jane by the collar and started yelling at her.

"Why do you jump every time I make a fucking move ?!"

Completely taken by surprise, the only thing she managed to do was raise her arms to protect her face. When he cried, he had that look of pure hatred, and that look terrified the young girl.

Already in normal times, the boy was unpredictable, when he had that look it was worse.

Jane thought for a moment that her time had come, that she had taken her luck too far. Henry was going to kill her, by beating her up or stabbing her, and he was going to feed her corpse to his pigs. His father was the sheriff, he would be okay with it. Butch may have been an asshole, but he won't smear his name and his image with a criminal son. The investigation would lead to an accident in the forest, the autopsy would say she fell or drowned and ...

He unexpectedly let go of her, and she fell back.

He walked away with a sigh and resumed more calmly.
"Shit Tozier... I made a hell of an effort. Why are you so afraid of me? "

She gave him an incredulous look. She sincerely wondered if he was kidding her, but the boy's insistent gaze quickly made her realize that he was really waiting for an answer.

"Isn't that what you wanted? I mean, when you hit me, insulted me or threatened me? "

Henry seemed to want to add something, but he changed his mind.

He stared at her for a moment, then went to sit down with a sigh.

"Are you about to cry? Because I don't want to handle this."

She looked at him in turn, before answering:

"Strangely, no." She smiled before adding, "Are you about to kill me? Because I don't want to handle this."

He smirked.
"Strangely, no." He stood up and walked over to Jane. "I wouldn't know what to do with your body." He held out his hand to help her up.

"I'm sure Patrick can help you." She grabbed the boy's hand, and let herself be carried away. "He would be delighted."

They stared at each other awkwardly before Henry spoke again.

"It's even more tense than before, isn't it? "

Toziette (Henry Bowers)(English version)Where stories live. Discover now