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The two Godzilla's had arrived at infant island not long after their fight. she was mostly silent the whole way to the island, with the queen's mind full of what would've happened if she'd actually became his mate from having a second child which is also going to be junior's sibling.

"Hey you've been spacing out a lot. Are you sick or something?" The male asked her, his words only said that he was just asking and was not worried, Gojira snapped out from her thoughts.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." She hastefully replied as a blush formed which luckily the male didn't notice.

(I'm assuring the female as Gojira.)

"Good, don't want you catch a cold out of nowhere." Godzilla bluntly said.

"Well we're already at the island. I'll introduce you to the others." She said to Godzilla, who let's out a sigh of un impressment. 

"Are they girls with big tits too?" He asked his tone un amused.

"Yes, but please have some decency too, they're my friends." Gojira told him.

"Whatever." His voice didn't give a damn.

They continued to walk until they encounter a group of girls fighting each other in a friendly brawl. They then seem to notice Gojira but not the person behind her.

"Hey Gojira! You're back!" One with brown skin and a sharp and spikey back waved to her friend.

"Hey Anguirus." Gojira waved back to her friend.

"MOM!" A mini version of her ran up to her mother which hugged Gojira.

"Hey junior. Have you been behaving?" She asked her daughter.

"Yes mom! And by the way, who's that?" Junior pointed to Godzilla.

"I'm basically a bigger and more better version of your mother." He described himself.

"Then prove it!" The little girl challenged the tower of Godzilla

"Sure, but cover your ears." He says not wanting the girls near him to go deaf.

He then took a really deep breath. Gojira covered her daughter's ear. Anguirus didn't cover her's.

"Seriously, it's probably not that loud-"

Anguirus was cut off from her sentence, his roar echoed through out the whole island, the trees were shooken back as some also flew off their roots as this was the loudest roar they ever heard. The others that were fighting then stopped as his roar threatened to burst their ears.

"HOW THE HELL CAN HE ROAR THIS LOUD!?!" One of the female kaiju's shouted.

"MY EARS!! IT HURTS!!!" One was holding her ears as she knelt on the ground.

Gojira almost lost her footing due to the sheer shockwave his roar created.

'I feel like he is just going easy on us.' Gojira thought to herself as his roar soon dwindled down into a low rowling noise. The male then looked around him completely unamused of what he saw.

'Pathetic, Kong and the others are the only ones that can withstand my roar.' The proclaimed king of the monsters thought to himself, but he had judgement on Gojira. 'But she manged to stand up against me, I'm impressed. Maybe she'll be able to stand for herself and her family.'

"Now that everything is over, I'll be sleeping by the seaside." He poetically said.

Godzilla then walks off to the beach for some sleep. The others were questioning where he came from, and what he was.


(sorry for the long wait, a lot of things happened and hampered with the updates.)

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