Molly Weasley vs Lily York

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*What Felix and Lily look like, don't worry we'll see him again soon*

"RISE AND SHINE BREAKFAST IS ON THE TABLE KIDS!" Molly Weasley called up the stairs from the first floor, bouncing on and off each wall and door untill the whole house got the word to wake up. In Rose's bedroom the girl sat up with grace and poise before she started rubbing her eyes, she looked anoyyed since all her life she was never woken up like this before untill meeting her Mother.

Rose quickly got dress in a sweater and pants, witch she got from her older brothers since Ginny's clothes were to small for her. Once dressed she brushed her hair before a kocked was heard from the closed bedroom door, Percy's voice said "Rose come on, or there will be no food left!"

The Jeweled eye Princess never understood that during her first dinner when her Mom said they needed to hurry up, how can food run out? Her brothers and Ginny told her their Mom only cooked so much and it took hours to make enough food for 8 now 9 mouths.

As the girl finished brushing she ran down the stairs as fast as she could before heading towards the table till she heard a voice gasping in shook "Princess!" Rose turned around to see Lily standing by the doorway of the Burrow carrying two suitcases, with two Aurors behind her wands out.

"Lily your here!" the girl cried before throwing herself at her nanny, the bruttentte hugging her tightly as she sobbed. She did that for a few moments before pulling away before dropping into a cursty an saying "Blessing and glory of the star of the Obelia Empire, her majest Princess Rosaliita de Alger Obelia. The Jeweled Rose Princess" 

"WOAH!" voices said from behind Rose witch came from all her siblings, they knew from their parents that she was raised as a Princess but they didn't think they ment a real princess! Molly Weasley snapped out of it before welcoming Lily into the house, and telling her that they had one spare bedroom so she'll be staying there.

"Thank you Lady Weasley." Lily York said as she bowed her head in respect making the red head mother of 7 blush. She turned to her Princess before asking the jeweled eye gir if she need help changing out of her nightwear, making Rose bushed.

Mrs. Weasley said her daughter was already dressed and they were just about to start breakfast. Lily didn't question the woman but said she'll put her and the Princess's stuff upstairs before coming down to help start serving. "Rose what was that about?" whispered Ginny as her sibling sat down at the table beside her, Rose looked confussed before Fred and George answered saying about helping her dress and bowing for.

The girl was now understand what they ment, her first night she waited for someone to come in to hep her undress untill her Mom walked asking why she was still up that late. "Lily's my Nanny and a high rank noble, she loves me but she still needs to respect me. As a princess since I was a baby I had servents help me with everything, expect my homework. So I didn't know how to braid my hair and get undress since the colthes are fasten in the back." Rose explained as Percy help put some food on her plate.

"So she's a noble who works? Why?" asked Bill as he poured himself a cup of coffee, the blond with red highlights hair explained many nobles send their daughters to the palace to work untill their marriage is set or they catch the eye of someone. Lily York father is a high rank noble close to the Emperor so she really didn't need a job, but she took the job once the Emerpror pleaded with her to be the royal nanny and how now she was one of the highest people in the Palace now with power.  

"Princess I caught up your fruit just the way to li-" Lily started to say near the end of breakfast but was stopped when Molly said it was time for the children's chorses. Molly said Rose was going to weed the garden, but Lily interrupted saying the Princess had to work on her dance lessons before she had to do some paper work. Soon the two adult woman started to argue saying Rose needed to do.

"SHE'S THE NEXT EMPRESS OF THE OBELIA EMPIRE!" screamed Lily before Molly got in the noble woman's face screaming that her daughter was never going to be raised as the next anything since it came from her kidnapper.

Rose couldn't take it any more, once Molly said she'll not ever see Claude again the girl bolted it out the door running acrossed the fileds before her magic understood what she needed and whisked her away.

It was time form the Jeweled Rose Princess to see her father, the Emperor once again. 

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