Weasley missing son turns out to be a Princess, who knew?

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*What the Minstery of Magic looks like*

"I want my Papa!" cried the little princess as tears rolled down her cheeks as the Auror officers,  who were inchanged of watching her untill someone came to question the missing Weasley child, tried to calm the kid down but it didn't work. "What's going on in here! Everyone outside this room thinks your torturing him!" a man in blue robes snapped as he opened the door and walked into the room, looking pretty anger at the pair of officers.

"We've tried sir but he keeps crying for his 'Papa'!" the younger of the pair snapped, as the woman tried rubbing Rosalita's back. "It's alright, but we need to ask you some qustions ok?" asked the new person and the jeweled eye girl nodded her head, as the woman helped her into a chair at the table.

"Now my name is Kingsley Shacklebolt and I need to ask, do you know how you came into your 'Papa' care?" asked Kingsley and the girl nodded her head before answering him, "Papa said he found me in one of the Rose Gardens when I was a baby, a bad man was their too but he was delt with. Papa said I used to have only red hair and blue eyes, not like mine. Then Papa said his mana and mine somehow bursted out of us in a light and next thing he knew I look like this. Also mages came and did a test showing I was his child now by blood."

"Ok ..... wow?" said the man standing beside his partner, who elbow him in the stomach and giving him a glare. "Honey do you know if your 'Papa' knew if you were a girl before or after the light?" asked the woman giving a smile witch got the little princess giggling saying "Papa said he only knew when he had a maid change me ..... that was an hour after the light I think." She then titled her head wondering if she got all that right but also was thing about her Papa. 'When can I have Papa back? Or Uncle Felix? I miss them.' thought the Princess sadley.

"Alright this might be hard to hear ..... I never did catch your name what was it again?" asked Kingsley sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, knowing he should have ask that first. "My name is Rosalita de Alger Obelia, Crown Princess of the Obelia Empire!" said the girl happily and the Aurors all froze ..... the missing Weasley boy was now a girl, AND A PRINCESS?!?!?! 

"What was your Papa's name again Rosalita?" asked Kingsley now sweating in fear of the answer witch was, "My papa is Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia, of the Obelia Empire. Only the royal family has jeweled eyes. See!" Rosalita said pointing at her own jeweled eyes.

Half - an - Hour later

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY RON ISN'T A HE ANYMORE?!!??!?! AND WE NEED TO GO TO COURT TO GET RON BACK?!?!?!?!" demaned Molly Weasley in the Head Auror office, slamming her hands onto the table in anger. She had just been informed her missing child, for almost 10 years was now permently a girl and had another father?

"Mrs. Wealsey calm down" said Amelia Bones sitting behind the desk rubbing her face in frustration before turing to Arthur "Mr. Weasley we did a medical scan and the proof is in the papers, Ron is now Rodalita and the only child of Emperor Claude, of the Obelia Empire. She's still your child but with another parent." "Yes I get this but what about going to court means? We want our s- no daughter back home with us." demaned Arthur thinking 'It dosen't matter if Ron's a girl now, she's still my child and I love her!' 

"That's the thing, she's his only child making her, Rosalita his heir. It might start a war if we take her by force. However we gotten in contate with that Empire and a judge from the Minstery will rule over who can keep her." Madame Bones said ready for Molly Weasley to blow untill her office door open. 

Kingsley Shacklebolt walked in with Rosalita, who stopped stairing at the red heads. Her mana flood out of her and she could feel it .... the missing parentaly bonds she didn't know she had. "Our .... or- our you my Mama?" asked the princess nervously, shifting back an forth on her feet looking at Molly in a hopeful manner. Molly Weasley looked down at her missing child, as tears rolled down her cheeks thinking 'My baby's alive! My little Ron, well Rosaltia now. But alive!' before pulling the girl into a hug.

"My baby, my baby." whispered the mother rocking back and forth petting the girl's hair, her husband standing behind her. Arthur didn't know if he should jion or not since Rosalita already had a Papa, maybe she didn't want ano- "Daddy? I have another one?" asked Rosalita over her Mama's shoulder looking at Arthur shly, before grinning wildly a few mintues later saying happily "I'm so lucky!!! I got three parents! 1 mom and 2 dads!"

That's all he need to hear before jioning the pair on the floor, tears rolling down his face. He was going to fight harder this time, this time he'll keep this child with her family. Kissing Rosalita on her head he thought one thing 'This Claude can't keep us apart, I won't let him!'

Who made me a princess x Harry Potter Crossover 2Where stories live. Discover now