The Burrow & Siblings

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*Weasley Family Tree; just changed Ron's picture & name to Rosalita instead*

"So are you ready to meet your siblings Ro- I mena Rosalita?" asked Arthur Weasley as he finished up some paperwork in the Mistery of Magic to take her home for a bit before the trail the fallowing week. The Minster had also sent a letter and a delegate to the Obelia Empire to handle the matter there ,but they left the guards and Claude in a holding cell untill the fallowing day. To make sure they couldn't grabe the child and try to make a run for it.

"Ok Dad. ...... When's Lily coming?" asked the girl tilting her head as the red head man got his jacket on and helped her into one of her older brother's hame down jacket. "She'll be here in a day, but you got to remember untill the case is finished your not allow to be alone with her? Ok?" asked Arthur looking worried as the jeweled eye girl nodded her head as the left the office.

As the walked threw the Minstery of Magic to get to the floo network, Rosaliita was looking aruond at everything and everyone, 'It's so diffrent from the Palace, even when nobles have to come to do important work they dress to the nines but everyone here is wearing robes.'  thought the girl untill she felt herself bump into someone body. "My apoagiess for bumping into you sir!" the Jeweled Rose Princess bowed quickly as she apolazied to the person, looking up to see a handsome man.

He had silver-blond hair witch was past the shoulder lengh, a stormy grey eye color, wearing a fancy suit witched looked to Rose it was a one of a kind and a black wood walking stick with a head of a snake made of silver at the top. From the looks of it to the Princess he was of some sort of noble family, from the way his face and body showed no body langage just standing their tall and prode.

 From the looks of it to the Princess he was of some sort of noble family, from the way his face and body showed no body langage just standing their tall and prode

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*Lucius Malfoy*

"It was my fault my dear. I was on my way for an improant meeting and wasn't paying attection." the man saild before saying goodbye with a small bow before heading off. Rose then felt her hand being grabbed and turn to see Arthur, looking sternly but kindly at her "I know this might be exicting to you, but you can't linger around. Hold my hand untill we get to the floo."

As the two walked away it only took half an hour to get to the floo network, witch to Rose looked like it was a bunch of fire places lined up one after another on a wall. An people were coming out of green FIRE after apperning out of no were and the same for people leaving. Next thing the Princess of the Obelia Empire knew she was being hold by by her red head dad (But not Unclue Felix's red colour hair)  and him throwing down some sort of sand as he said, more like yelled "THE BURROW!"

Next thing the jewled eye saw they were in a smaller fireplace, in somesort of citting room. "Watch your head Rose" Arthur started to say as he cruouched out of the fire place as he pulled off his jacket before screaming "BOYS! GINNY! MOLLY- DEAR WE'RE HOME!!!!"

"DAD!!!!!" Rose heard as she walked out of the fire place, seeing 5 red head boys of diffrent ages running down some stairs, witch were right next to the citing room. 'WOW I wished it was like that at home, cause it would be easier to steal chocolate then!' thought Rose as she dreamed about all the snacks back home in the Emerald Palace kitechen and in the Garnet Palace kitchen as well.

"Dad!" cried another voice, but a feminnie one and turning towards the stairs she saw a girl close to her age running down them before jumping on the man. "Arthur your home! Boys, Ginny get off him!" Rose then saw her Mom comming out of another room, wipping her hands on an apron as she scolded her children. 

She then rushed to hug Rose before pulling her into a deep hug saying "Welcome home baby." before turning towards her other children "Kids this is Ron, she's now called Rosalita. Rose dear these are your brothers and little sister, Ginny."

"Hi! I like your eyes they look like sapphires!" said Ginny pointing at her now sister's eyes, but before Molly could scold her for pointing Rose smiled and said "I like your freckles, I wished I had some. They look fun." before the Princess pounted like a puppy begging for food.

The boys all laughed as Ginny blushed before smiling. Two really tall boys walked forward as the one with long hair said "I'm your second eldest brother Charlie and this is Bill, short for Willum he's the eldest of the all of us." Bill smiled down at her before nealing down to hug her as Bill whispered something she didn't hear "Thank god your safe. Thank Merlin, your alive."

"I'm Percy your next brother eldest brother, .... this was your old teddy bear called called Pr-" but was caught off by Rose whispering "Princely?" Percy eyes went wide as he thought 'She remembers!' before he pasted her the old bear, witched she hugged before whispering thank you.

 "Next is the twins, your older brothers by two years." Molly said as she pointed at the idenital twins before, the mother of seven ('It's nice to say that again!' thought the mother happily) said sternly to them "Don't you dare try to pretented to be each other then make fun of Rose if she dosn't get it right!"

"Yes Mom!" said the twins before walking forward as both smiled at their little sister, she looked like an angel ...... they needed a plan to keep boys and girls away from her when she was older. "I'm Fred and this is Geroge. It's nice to see you again!" said Fred happily as Geroge nodded as Rose said hi.

"Well it's time for dinner so let's go to the table everyone!" Molly said happily as she watched as the Fred and Geroge dragged Rose into the kitchen with them, the rest of her kids running in already. "Arthur your usally the first one in there." Molly asked as she walked over the grandfather clock were her husband was standing. 

"Molly she's right here. Her picture change." whispered Arthur, Molly then looked up to see the baby photo of Ron was replaced to present day Rosalita dressed in a golden ball gown with rubys jewelery and she even wore a tiara on top of her head. She was smiling happily as her jeweled eyes gleamed happily.

Then looking to were her hand was on the clock it said home. As Molly smiled at it, in the Minster of Magic holding cells Claude de Alger Obelia was worry for his daughter and was about to ripped out to find her. 'Rose, my little rose princess pleace be safe.' thought Claude as one of his jailers came to the cell door saying the Minster of Magic would be coming down to talk to them about the sitation they were in.

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