Chapter 10 - ...Doesn't Always Stay on Board

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A pounding behind Childe's eyes slammed him into consciousness, and the morning light hammered at his eyes, unrelenting. He groaned, massaging his temples with his right hand. His left, he found when he attempted to shift it, was pinned down by an unfamiliar weight.

A trap? Had he been captured, held prisoner in some remote location?

Impossible, he'd gone to bed the night before as usual.

But the night before had been far from usual.


He squinted his eyes open, confirming his suspicion.

Zhongli sprawled across him, limbs knotted with Childe's. His body rose and fell as he breathed slowly in his sleep with his mouth slightly parted, head resting on Childe's chest. Childe blinked hard, expecting the sight before him to disappear when he re-opened his eyes, but it didn't – Zhongli was there in his arms, and Childe tentatively ran his fingers through his hair, marvelling and how straight and orderly it was, so unlike his own unruly mop.

Was this really his? This peaceful, domestic morning with the person he loved... could he really have this?


It was a strong word, but he liked it.


Despite the protests of his thudding head, he gave a satisfied hum, shifting to find a better view of Zhongli's features.

Zhongli shifted at the disturbance, eyes fluttering open, turning his head lazily about the room before latching onto Childe. A beautiful smile crossed his face, his hold tightening around Childe. "Good morning, Ajax."


Zhongli pushed upward to stretch, arching his back before returning to rest in his original position. "You slept well, I presume? I did not, ahem, trouble you?"

He didn't get up, a little voice in Childe's head celebrated behind the pain, he's staying here!

He cleared his throat, gritting his teeth against the stabbing in his temples to press his face into a smile. "Slept like a log, xiansheng, no trouble at all!"

His own words were too loud for his sensitive head and he winced, closing his eyes as a wave of pressure pulsed behind his eyes. A hand that was not his own rubbed his forehead, easing the tension, and Childe opened his eyes to find Zhongli tending to him with a concerned frown.

"Sensitivity to light, head pain, no apparent nausea..." Zhongli spoke in a half-whisper, "Consumption above the volume recommended for a human male... hmm."

Childe rolled his eyes at him, pushing himself upright and mustering a chuckle. "I'm hungover, I know, you don't have to rub it in."

"Yes, you are." His hand came to rest in Childe's hair. "I believe some tea and a good meal would help improve your condition. I shall prepare some for you and please–" He slid his hand down to press against Childe's chest when he tried to sit up further "–you may eat in the bed... but I must reiterate that it shall be for today only. Now, rest and wait."

Zhongli pulled back, but Childe reached forward to grab the side of his shirt. "Hey, can I...?" He wanted to ask Zhongli's thoughts on the night before – on their talk, the moments they shared under the moonlight, of the kiss still haunting his hazy memory – but he didn't dare. "It's... nevermind."

Zhongli stilled, prying Childe's hand from his clothing and taking it in his own.

"Ajax," said Zhongli, shifting toward him, "if it is this that you wish for, you only need ask."

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