chapter 4

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Forth tell himself that ming is fine. Nothing happens to him. Forth has indeffrent expression but deep down he is scared.

"SECRETARY KIM" forth shout. hearing this secretary Kim hurriedly came to office

       kim has never seen forth this scared and Panicked dah he never knew his boss was able to express this kinda emotions. But he feels pity for forth. Inspector told him that they had found Ming's car with dead body but they are not sure if the body was young master's or not they are doing post-mortem of body.
In car accident body was burnt badly they can't indentify who's body is this.
He pray for Ming's safety.

       forth told him to get car ready they went to police station. In whole journy forth feel suffocated he told driver to speed car. He pray to god for ming's safety . He is feeling guilty for not taking care of his brother properly.he was self blaming.

After 30 minute they reached at police station.

(At Same time in remote House near hill (pha's secret House))
Pha's Pov

"Baby I know you are here.i am coming" I said with excitement I know my baby is in store room I like this game I Love everything about my baby is so beautiful so innocent and kind I am scared that someone will take my baby away.i just want ming for myself I don't like that my baby smile at another person even if he gave second glance to someone or something I just want destroy that.i Just want my baby for myself.

I  and my baby will live here for rest of our life here. It's too good here no one will disturb us ,my baby will be always be mine,no one can take him away ,think about our life I feel so good.

"Ming baby I am coming" i walk to storeroom I saw everywhere now only wardrobe is left.

"Ming, I know you are here baby, after I found you, I will claim my prize"I said with happy mood I am so excited. i know my baby is in closet I got near closet suddenly my phone ring.i ignore call and call end i get near closet door and I just touch door handle phone rang again I answer call with irritation.

"Hello if you call me for something stupid then you get ready for results "i said angrily.but after hearing his report my anger vanished.

(End of pha's Pov)

     Another side of phone pha's man inform him that forth and police got Ming's car and they declared news of ming's death. Even forth believe that Ming is dead. He tell pha how how broken and devastated was forth after learning about this.hearing this pha became happy.

He laughed loudly like mad man.he was laughing and say that "baby you are mine now no one will take you from me even your genius brother got in my trap ,forth forth what dumb guy,I always thought he was bit indifferent to you but he care about you but now I think you were right he doesn't care about you he believe that you are dead "saying this pha laugh loudly.he start humming happily.

"But don't worry baby I am here with you I will love you forever nobody will come between us" said pha happily.

   No no no this can't be my p will not believe that I am dead I am alive even he is indifferent but he is always like this but he care about me i know I know my p will save me from here ming was frightened.

Will p came to save me or did he believe in pha's lie? Ming was confused and sacred what will happen to him now in everyone's eyes he is dead. He wants to get out of here he does even know where he was right now.

    Ming was in daze what can he do? is he gone stuck here forever?will pha ever let him go.he know by now that pha is sick.what was he thinking when he accept pha's confession. He wants to beat his past self there many obvious signs that pha is not normal but he ignored that. He just thought pha was bit possessive.

I know this chapter is short but I want to say that I will continue this story I am not abandoning this story I will try  to update soon.

Happy New year🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊❤️ to all my readers

Thank you for reading my story

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