chapter 3

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(sound of files hitting ground)

  "can't you find  19 year boy. it's been months and you can't find him not even single news about his
whereabouts" Forth  is furious,he glared at his secretary who gave him report about's been 6 months and they can't find him.

"What about police did they make any process, aren't they confident that they can find him" hearing this, secretary, felt embarrassed and bowed his head in shame.


    Forth glared at secretary Kim. seeing this Kim hurriedly take out his phone after muting phone Kim glance at forth timidly.

   "Out" hearing this secretary with quick pace left offices.he feel like if he stay one second longer he will passed out.Secretary Kim came out and breathe a sigh of relief. He Wipe off sweat and take out phone seeing Lieutenant miss call he call him.
After second ring Lieutenant Picked up the call:

  "Hello secretary Kim I called you to inform that we have received clues regarding ming's disappearance. He tell secretary Kim about his Inquiry, he was shocked hearing this.after call he went to forth and inform he about his conversation with police officer.

     Forth was shock he got panic, he feel like some has pour cold water on him in winter, he is so scared , he told himself that ming is fine nothing will happen to him and he will save ming his little brother whom he care most but can't express him how he cares about him and love him. Every time he what to talk to ming got Panic and use every excuse to slip away.

   He don't know when his little brother got so far from him.he remember that after his mother's death.ming was so sad but as time goes by they came out of grif.he was seventeen that time after year he left home for farther study.

   He insure Ming safety to his grandpa,he knows that grandpa was indifferent to ming on surface but cares about ming he was confident that under grandpa's care ming will grow safe and sound. Ming was only eleven year that time. After getting promise forth was relieved.

    After going college he became busy with study and startup business Despite all this he never forget to contact ming he called ming every week to require about his wellbeing at first ming was sad cause of departure,but after some time he forgive forth and again became lively they miss mae but they have to move from their  sorrows and sadness.every week they video chat forth notice

   Life  was not like before, but they accept their mom's absence and moved on, they were happy, they become eachother support but things changes all because of his cheep father,he told Ming about truth of his birth.why this happen!! everytime thinking about this forth want go in past and change this,he never want Ming to know, he knows if his mother was there she doesn't want to ming know this.

    She loves ming just like she loves forth, sometimes forth thinks his mae love ming more,she always told forth that ming was special and he has to protect his little brother thinking about his mae's words forth become guilty he feel like crying so does he do.

    Forth cover his eyes with hand.he tried to Wipe the tears but he can't Stop his his Life forth never
Lost his emotions like this, he bearly cry, from childhood till now he never show any emotions to other, he what to show ming that he cares but Ming never gave him chance he told Ming that he should not feel guilty that it's not his fault,and mom loves him but Ming never listen.

  Ming always feel that his existence destroy forth's happy family and mom's happiness, ming felt that mom just take care of him because of her promise to meena mae and out of guilt, he knows that mae loves him but he can't accept this,he thought he is responsible for all this if not for his existence his meena mae would be alive today and his mom would not have to take care of him cause of promise and out of sympathy.

  Forth told him that it's not his fault it's not even meena's fault, it's all because his father is basterd and it's all his fault. He is the one who deceive meena that he loves her,he never told meena that he is married and had a child.

When she knows that he was married it's to late she was pregnant.she cut all her ties with forth's Father,but when his mom got to know about this she was angry and disappointed but never heartbroken.

     she knew that her husband is scumbag, their marriage was just business marriage,she never loved him but his cheating marriage was to much she wants to divorce him but forth grandpa requested her that don't make decisions out of anger and gave his son one chance,he told her that she should think about forth before making any decisions.he even gave forth 25 % share,he has no hope for his son,his son has no talent for business that's why he married him to forth's mom forth's mom was great business women she has ability.

   After this incident his little bit hope for his son dies.he now puts his full attention to forth.he knows that forth mom was business mided but not greedy so he hope that taking forth in consideration she should gave her husband a chance.she did gave his husband chance but she became distance from him.

  she even have sympathy for meena 19 year orphan girl who just wanted to find warmth.when she meet her she told her that it's not her fault and she was innocent she shouldn't be guilty,she even told her that if she wants to keep child she will help her.

  Meena really kept child, forth mom support her decision,and help her, she even moved with forth to her new home with meena she treats meena like her little sister she knows that she was innocent, in every Phase of pregnancy she was with her, she told meena many times that's not her fault but as time goes she became more depressed.

     when she gave birth she was happy forth mom thought she came out of depression but who have thought that she would commit Suicide.she wrote latter to forth mom that she tried very hard to forget all this and moved on but she can't,she wants to live but she can't find light, she is sorry for her.she just wanted to apologizes to her for her cowardly behavior.she told her that she loves ming but every time she see Ming she became more guilty.

Meena was ming's biological mother, ming called meena as meena mae and forth mother as mom/mae.

Please comment below.
What do you think forth's secretary told him hearing that he became Panic?

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