Book 1 - Chapter 8

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"Okay, so Emily, Miranda, Lily, Rose" Leah said as she pointed at each of them trying to remember their names.

"You're Jack and that's your brother, Kyle and that's... Mckenzie?" Leah continued.

"Mckayla," She corrected her as she sighed to herself thinking that her friend would never remember the good moments.

"So how did we all meet?" Leah asked, trying to recall anything.

"I was actually a bitch to you on your first day, so yeah..." Mckayla answered as everyone began explaining too.

"Who was my best friend? I'm guessing Miranda, right?" Leah said only adding more flame to the fire.

"Mckayla and I were actually your best friends..." Rose held back tears.

"Oh..." Leah said as it looked like she had been put off. "I just... you're a nerd and you're just a raging bitch..." Leah said to Rose and Mckayla.

There was silence in the room as nobody knew how to reply.

"I just don't see my type being friends with somebody your type..." Leah said knowing there was no nice way to say that. Leah really did try to be respectful, but she just didn't feel like herself.

"We should have never let her go into the spiritual world," Mckayla said as she stood there heartbroken. "You don't want to be friends, fine. But make sure you can handle my bitchy side, oh and," She paused, "Watch your back, De Martelle" She said as she stormed out of the dorm room.

There was a silence in the room before Rose decided to speak.

"So what do you remember?" Rose asked.

"I was in a room... An office," Leah paused, "I was talking to a therapist... about my mother, she actually di--" Leah was interrupted,

"We know, we don't have to talk about it," Miranda said as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"So you remember a few weeks before you actually joined the school... meaning no magic," Rose said,

"Magic?" Leah asked,

"Magic tricks..." Miranda quickly saved it. "You were great with a deck of cards..." She said as they all shared a look.

"That's awesome. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right out," Leah said,

"You hate showers..." Rose couldn't even look at her. "You always take baths, with candles and wine" 

Leah just stood there speechless, 

"I hate wine...? And I certainly hate baths, you just sit in the tub and do nothing," Leah walked into the bathroom and prepared her shower leaving Rose just sitting there.

"Why didn't you tell her about magic?" Rose asked,

"Magic is what got her into this mess. Remember when she first enrolled here? She was just a girl with a dream. Leave all the magic stuff to us just keep her out of it" Miranda said as the rest of the core 5 agreed.

As soon after, Rose agreed too.


Everyone was outside on campus doing their extracurriculars as Leah just sat in her room doing her coursework in silence when she heard a knock at the door,

"Rose, you don't need to knock. This is your room too," Leah said, but to her surprise, it wasn't Rose, It was Jack.

"Kyle, right?" She asked.

"Jack, actually," He said as he walked further into the room before closing the door behind him.

Leah felt very awkward having this tall masculine presence standing right in front of her.

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