Book 1 - Chapter 2

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I slowly breathe in the crisp air that the open window was kindly providing for my dorm room.

I do my morning routine, since I consider myself a morning person I feel the need to have a consistent morning routine that consists of me getting ready for what could be a crazy day.

I had enough time to highlight my timetable and to look into any extracurricular activities that could look good on my resume. I try my hardest not to wake up Rose as she was still in bed, time passes by as Rose, and I both get ready for the completely separate lectures we had at different times. Funny enough, I had Professor Kaine, at least I had somebody that I was familiar with to start off my day,


"I'd like to thank all of you for coming to my assembly yesterday, and yes I know it was mandatory but still, I felt it was really important to discuss the-" The Professor froze as if he had just lost his train of thought.

"The..." It's like he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Sorry, must be a senior moment. I can't remember why I hosted that assembly..." He said to the class before picking up the chalk to write with.

I look around and it seems like everyone was scratching their head too.

"Seriously?" I say a little too loud.

"Excuse me? miss-" He looks at his register board " Miss De Martelle

Mckayla turns around to stare at me in shock for some reason.

"Sorry, It's just that we can't seriously pretend that Dean Young didn't die on school premises..." I reply 

"Dean who?" 

"Okay, I understand, I really do. We all want to forget about the tragedies but we can't completely ignore them," I say

"I'm sorry, Miss De Martelle but I don't know anyone by the name of Dean Young. I can assure you no one has ever died at this school. Would you like to step out for a minute?" He says to me like I'm a child

"Newbie's crazy," Mckayla says to her friends as they all giggle and stare.

I look around only to see a bunch of blank faces staring at me like a crazy person, I quickly grab my things and exit the lecture hall only to find Rose in my room.

"Rose, was that story you told me about Dean even true?" 

"Who?" She replies.

"Dean Young... the boy that died..." 

"I don't know anyone by the name of Dean Young, Are you feeling okay?" Rose says,

At this point, I'm losing it, but she was right. Anytime I think about yesterday it feels like a dream. I couldn't tell if it was a dream or real life. Anytime I even said the name Dean Young it felt weird as if I was explaining a dream I had to my therapist.

You think high school has rumors, you clearly don't know Preston. By the afternoon everyone was calling me 'the Dean girl' and that I was dreaming of people dying in the school. I couldn't even leave my room without people snickering and staring. I just thought I should let this cool down before I leave my dorm room for the next couple of days.


"She remembers." the magic girl said to everyone, but this time it wasn't just a small midnight group it was everyone in the society.

"What?" Another girl said.

"Last night, the core 4 and I did a spell to wipe everyone's memories of Dean Young. He was a boy that attended Preston but he died, we didn't kill him. We swear. He was like a magic repellent, anytime we were around him we wouldn't be able to perform magic, I'm guessing someone thought to remove him from the equation. Preston was going crazy, people were dropping out and it was on the brink of closing, If we wiped everyone's memories we thought it would help but clearly, someone didn't do the spell right."

"I have news..." the other girl pitched in. "She's a De Martelle. If I'm right that makes her the last living De Martelle on earth. I'm guessing Esmerelda didn't kill them all."

"What!?" He shouted. " The De Martelle's are the most powerful witches to ever live in the modern age, Esmerelda killed her I'm certain."

"And did Esmerelda even check the house, check that Monique didn't have any children" The girl replied

"I will host for an audience with Esmerelda of Evalon and the core 5 only. We have another De Martelle on our hands and she may be harder to kill than Monique" said the old, fragile woman sitting on the throne.


"Thanks for helping me pack," I said to Rose before giving her a big hug

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Rose asked.

"I'm sure, I'll visit my shrink back in Ohio and clear my mind, I've had this issue before sometimes my dreams affect my real life causing me to go crazy and whatever, My therapist will help me find the root problem, hey maybe I knew a Dean Young in a past life, who knows?" I said.

"Well once you've cleared everything up don't be a stranger, okay? you'll always have a place in Preston"

I gave Rose one last hug before finally picking up my bags and leaving this place behind, but I had to make one last stop first.

"Mckayla?" I said as I repeatedly knock on her door.

"Can I help you De Martelle?" She said as she opened the door slowly.

"Seeing as you were my tour guide, I felt it fitting to let you know that I'm leaving Preston, I might be crazy after all," I joked "I'm going to see a therapist to clear my head. I keep thinking about a Dean Young and It's very daunting, just wanted to say bye." I stand and wait for a response such as a goodbye or a snarky comment but she just closes the door in my face, some people just love to hate me, I really did try with her.

I got on the bus heading straight out of town and braced myself for my old life again, at least I can live now knowing I gave Preston a chance.


"We made her think she was crazy," Lily said as she entered the room only to be accompanied by Jack, Miranda, Kyle, and Emily. The core 5.

"Too bad, she's a dirty De Martelle," Miranda said. "There is no way I messed up the spell the first time 'round. She's immune to magic just like dirty Dean" 

"She must be on the bus now so let's start the spell, I'll do it," Emily said.

"Lock the door, make sure Mckayla doesn't walk in, I've managed to keep her out of the whole magic thing I don't want her finding out," Jack said.

"What about Rose, the roommate?" said Kyle, Jack's brother.

"Don't bring my best friend into this," Emily said. "Rose doesn't get involved, I don't want her hurt" 

Emily brings out an entire map of Preston and Its surroundings.

"The bus might still be on Preston premises, start the spell," Jack said.

Everyone gets a pocket knife and carefully slits the palm of their hand before sitting around in a circle with a candle in between each person.

"Light the candles," Lily directed Emily to do so.

"Incensio," Emily said. "Everyone hold hands."

"Immobulos Dementa" Emily said, The spell allowing her to track Leah on the map and envision her as if she was there.

"Route 6 near Preston's side building," Emily said, eyes closed.

"Great work, now blow the engine," Jack replied.

"I can't," Emily struggled.

"You can. Focus on the bus, the sound of the engine rattling, now blow it."

It took some time but Emily finally focuses on the engine and without hesitation she says...


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